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Lista de verbos irregulares

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Spanishpresent pastpast pasttype
Vivir live lived lived regular
Ser, estar
be was/were been irregular
eat ate eaten irregular
walk walked walked regular
Estudiar study studied studied regular
drink drank drunk irregular
Ir go went gone irregular
play played played regular
Saber, know knew known irregular
do did done irregular
Aprender learn learnt/learned learnt/learned irregular
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Time expressions

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PRESENTE SIMPLE Always, usually, occasionally, frequently, often, someties, rarely, seldom, never, once month, every week, in the morning, at three o’clock, on Mondays, at night, how often?.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Now, right now, at the momen, today, these day, this month/year, at present, tonight,tomorrow, this afternoon, next Sunday/week/month.
: yeterday, last year, two days ago, in 2004, when, then.
PAST CONTINUOUS: last night/week/ year, at nice o´clock, when and, while,as.
: ever, never yet, just, already, recently, lately, how long?, since for.
: already , by the time, aafter, befote, until, never, just.
: this evening, later, next month, soon, al eleven o’cloc, in an hour,... Continuar leyendo "Time expressions" »

Meet me in istanbul

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tom looked up at tye dark silent building, angela, he said quietly to himself, qhere are you?. a short distance away a man in a grey raincoat stood in a dark doorway. he was watching tom, watching every move he made...

Ingles 4º eso

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past continuous: aff:i was listening, you were listening. neg:i wasn't listening, you weren't listening. int: was i listening? were you listening? present perfect: aff: subject + have/has + the past participle neg: subject + haven't/hasn't + the past participle int: have/has + subject + the past participle. first conditional: if + frase en present simple, sujeto + will + frase simple. too and enough: too= demasiado y va delante dl adjetivo, enugh= suficiente y va en lo ultimo, despue dl adjetivo. have to: aff: i have to study, he has to study, neg: i don't have to, she doesn't have to int:  do i have to..? does he have to..? since and for:  since es cuando se marca un punto en el tempo y for es por un periodo d tempo. passive: act: they... Continuar leyendo "Ingles 4º eso" »


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I) Reason:
a) Because:
b) Since: ya q
c) As:
(Se usan antes de un sustantivo )
d) Because of :
debido a
e) Due to:
debido a
(se usan cuando hay un pronombre, adj, o sust en algunos casos.)
II) Result:
a) Therefore:
x lo tanto
b) So:
asi q
c) Thus:
de tal forma
Ej He didnt receive invitation therefore he didnt go
III) Addition:
a) And:
y ej She cooked and washed the dishes
b) As well as:
asi como, como tmb
c) Besides:
ademas Ej Besides cooking she washed the dishes. (Se usa con verbo en ing)
IV) Purpose:
a) In order to :
b) to:
para Ej: He works every summer to buy his books.
(se usan antes de un verbo sin ing)
c) For:
para o por Ej: He works every summer for buying his books (se usa cuando hay un verbo en ing)
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Guia By MiqrobiitoO

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Verbo Tube Presente

I - Am
You - Are
He - Is
She - Is
It - Is
We - Are
They - Are
You - Are
I am a doctor
You are a doctor
He is a doctor
They are a doctors

Verbo Tube

I - Was
You - Were
He - Was
She - Was
It - Was
We - Were
They - Were
You - Were
I was tall
He was short
It was a good dog


Frsases ingles

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1. Hola = Hello
2. Adiós = Goodbye
3. ?Cómo esta usted? = How are you?
4. Muy bien, ?y tú? = I am fine, and you?
5. ?Habla español? = Do you speak Spanish?
6. Sí = Yes
7. No = No
8. ?Dónde está el cuarto de baño? = Where is the bathroom?
9. No entiendo. = I do not understand.
10. ?Dónde está el mejor restaurante? = Where is the best restaurant?
11. No hablo inglés. = I don't speak English. (I do not speak English)
12. Perdóneme = Pardon me (Excuse me).
13. ?Qué hora es? = What time is it?
14. Ayúdeme, por favor. = Help me, please.
15. ?Puede ayudarme? = Can you help me?
16. Te amo = I love you.
17. ?Cómo se llama usted? = What's your name? (What is your name?)
18. Gracias = Thanks (Thank you).
19. De nada = You're welcome (You
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The dead of jericho

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Summary: INSPECTOR MORSE  and ANNE meet at a party given to Mr. Murdoch. ANNE gives his number and his address if he wants to be someday. He decides not to call because he thinks she's married. Six months later, Morse decides to visit her, she is hanged in the kitchen, but does not discover it until they see the police in her house. BELL is the inspector in charge of the case. BELL and their agents come to the conclusion she has committed suicide, investigate his death and talk with neighbors, they discover that a neighbor (George Jackson) was keen to spy on his window ANNE ANNE and gave German lessons to the children of Mr. Murdoch. Morse and Bell in a joint investigation discovered many truths about ANNE: she  maintaining a sexual relationship

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Elementos de relieve

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ria:forma de penetracion marina en tierra,cuando ocupa un valle de forma un fiordo. CABO:parte de la costa q penetra en el mar. PENINSULA:trozo de tierra rodeado de agua por todos lados menos por 1. ISLA: porcion de tierra rodeada de agua por todas partes. GOLFO: entrada en el mar redondeada. DORSAL OCEANICA: cordillera submarina de granextencion y altura. FOSA MARINA: gran depresiuon q yega los 6mil metros de profundidad. CUENCA:zona mas o menos extenza con una altitud menor a las formaciones de reliev se forma por la acion erosiva de los rios. VALLE: formade deprecion alargada. MESETA: extencion de relieve q se caracteriza por una superficie mas o menos llana


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En los enlaces iónicos, los electrones se transfieren completamente de un átomo a otro. Durante este proceso de perder o ganar electrones cargados negativamente, los átomos que reaccionan forman iones. Lo iones cargados de manera opuesta se atraen entre ellos a través de fuerzas electroestáticas que son la base del enlace iónico.
covalente: ocurre cuando los átomos comparten electronespara poder llenar sus últimas capas electrónicas.
Teoría del enlace valencia supone que los electrones en una molécula ocupan orbitales atómicos de los átomos individuales. La segunda teoría, conocida como teoría de orbitales moleculares, propone la formación de orbitales moleculares a partir de los orbitales atómicos.
La hibridación es la mezcla
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