Relative Clausules & Connectors

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    Relative Clausules
Whom-->A Quien-->Person-->Object
Which-->El Cual-->Person/THing-->Subject/Object

Conectors: Contrast,Addition & Example
Contrast: i'll be there at 7 BUT not at 9
Addition: He's a very good teacher FURTHERMORE; he has an excellent sense of humor
Example: She reads all kind of books , SUCH as novels , lays and poetry

Because(Por Que) , In Order That(Al Fin De Que) , First Of All(Primero Que Todo) , So As To(A Fin De) , Later(Posterior) , Secondly(En Segundo Lugar) , Finally(Finalmente) , Since(Desde Que) , To Then(Acontinuacion) , First(Primero) , Due To(Debido A) , Whenever(Siempre) , Owing To( debido a ) , While( Mientras ) , As(ya Que) , Because Of( A Causa De ) , When( cuando ) , So That( De MOdo Que ) , In Order To( Con El Fin De ) , Second( Segundo ) , Firstly( En Primer Lugar ) , Next( Siguiente ) , Once( Una Vez ) .

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