Past simple and past continuos

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Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano BrotherYerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tia Aunt bissabuela great-grandmother
sobrino nephewssobrina nieces
twin gemelo

past simple
Con -ed final. Interrogacion i negacion con did-didnt.
Afirm: I played in the park
Neg: I didn?t play in the park
Int: did I play in the park
Past continuos
Pasado del to be( was were) + verbo -ing
I: was I speeping in the park
A: I was sleeping in the park
N: I wasn't sleeping in the park
Describe una actividad que ocurría en un momento
especifico del pasado
Describir una actividad interrumpida por una acción mas corta
Describir dos acciones simultáneas.

get in touch-poner en contacto /notice-aviso/mannerism-manierismo/grow up-crecer      apart-aparte/ waste-basura(gastar)

Palabras acabadas en -TION  // -MENT // -ITY // -NESS. ( NOMBRES, ADJETIVOS,ADVERBIOS)  


Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano BrotherYerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tia Aunt bissabuela great-grandmother
sobrino nephewssobrina nieces
twin gemelo

past simple
Con -ed final. Interrogacion i negacion con did-didnt.
Afirm: I played in the park
Neg: I didn?t play in the park
Int: did I play in the park
Past continuos
Pasado del to be( was were) + verbo -ing
I: was I speeping in the park
A: I was sleeping in the park
N: I wasn't sleeping in the park
Describe una actividad que ocurría en un momento especifico del pasado
Describir una actividad interrumpida por una acción mas corta
Describir dos acciones simultáneas.

get in touch-poner en contacto /notice-aviso/mannerism-manierismo/grow up-crecer      apart-aparte/ waste-basura(gastar)


Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano BrotherYerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tia Aunt bissabuela great-grandmother
sobrino nephewssobrina nieces
twin gemelo

past simple
Con -ed final. Interrogacion i negacion con did-didnt.
Afirm: I played in the park
Neg: I didn?t play in the park
Int: did I play in the park
Past continuos
Pasado del to be( was were) + verbo -ing
I: was I speeping in the park
A: I was sleeping in the park
N: I wasn't sleeping in the park
Describe una actividad que ocurría en un momento
especifico del pasado
Describir una actividad interrumpida por una acción mas corta
Describir dos acciones simultáneas.

get in touch-poner en contacto /notice-aviso/mannerism-manierismo/grow up-crecer      apart-aparte/ waste-basura(gastar)



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