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I) Reason:
a) Because: xq
b) Since: ya q
c) As: como
(Se usan antes de un sustantivo )
d) Because of : debido a
e) Due to: debido a
(se usan cuando hay un pronombre, adj, o sust en algunos casos.)
II) Result:
a) Therefore: x lo tanto
b) So: asi q
c) Thus: de tal forma
Ej He didnt receive invitation therefore he didnt go
III) Addition:
a) And: y ej She cooked and washed the dishes
b) As well as: asi como, como tmb
c) Besides: ademas Ej Besides cooking she washed the dishes. (Se usa con verbo en ing)
IV) Purpose:
a) In order to : para
b) to: para Ej: He works every summer to buy his books.
(se usan antes de un verbo sin ing)
c) For: para o por Ej: He works every summer for buying his books (se usa cuando hay un verbo en ing)
V) Contrast:
a) However: Sin embargo
b) But: Pero Ej: She practiced many hours but she got nervous in the show. (antes de un sust o pronom)
c) Although: Aunque Ej: Although she practiced many hours, she got nervous in the show . (Se usa antes de un pronom , o sust)
d) In spite of: A pesar de Ej: In spite of practicing many hours, she got nervous in the show. ( se usa antes de un verbo en ing o algunos sust)
I) Reason:
a) Because: xq
b) Since: ya q
c) As: como
(Se usan antes de un sustantivo )
d) Because of : debido a
e) Due to: debido a
(se usan cuando hay un pronombre, adj, o sust en algunos casos.)
II) Result:
a) Therefore: x lo tanto
b) So: asi q
c) Thus: de tal forma
Ej He didnt receive invitation therefore he didnt go
III) Addition:
a) And: y ej She cooked and washed the dishes
b) As well as: asi como, como tmb
c) Besides: ademas Ej Besides cooking she washed the dishes. (Se usa con verbo en ing)
IV) Purpose:
a) In order to : para
b) to: para Ej: He works every summer to buy his books.
(se usan antes de un verbo sin ing)
c) For: para o por Ej: He works every summer for buying his books (se usa cuando hay un verbo en ing)
V) Contrast:
a) However: Sin embargo
b) But: Pero Ej: She practiced many hours but she got nervous in the show. (antes de un sust o pronom)
c) Although: Aunque Ej: Although she practiced many hours, she got nervous in the show . (Se usa antes de un pronom , o sust)
d) In spite of: A pesar de Ej: In spite of practicing many hours, she got nervous in the show. ( se usa antes de un verbo en ing o algunos sust)