Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Secundaria

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by yourself= on her own
almost nothing= hardly anythin ( where, body)
it´s posible= may/could
it isn´t necesary=
don´t need to
apart from= except for
like this= of this type= of this sort= of this kind
strong/wear thick=lite
early/late male=female
asleep= awake kind=weekend

Ingles 4 eso

Enviado por Roberto y clasificado en Inglés

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Requisitos externos
“You must have a driving licence to work here”
Debes tener carnet de conducir para trabajar aquí. → Si no lo tienes, no puedes
Usos Obligaciones que nos ponemos nosotros mismos
“I must study” “Debo estudiar”. →Es una obligación que me pongo yo mismo/a

Estructura del verbo
MODAL + infinitivo sin “TO” → MUST HAVE, SHOULD BE
* He / She / It no añaden –s → She MUST HAVE, He SHOULD BE
Recuerda que el verbo principal, que va en infinitivo sin “TO”, es el que lleva el significado
Ej.1: “You must have experience” (obligación)
Ej.2: “Candidates should be over 20” (recomendación)... Continuar leyendo "Ingles 4 eso" »


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The house my dream have a big garage,a big courtyard for play my son,a nice hall with a lot of light,upstairs a big balcony,a bathroom,three room,and a room that big a with one barthroom,a window ceiling for to see stars.Downstairs three's nice a kitchen with a lot of window and nice to chirp,a bathroom with one bath and big mirror,a lot of painting,a big sitting room with one sofa very confortable and a big TV,outside a garden with a nice swimming pool.


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a scandal in bohema: the king of bohemia visits holmes to ask for help with a problem. he is marrying the daughter of the king of scandinavia but he has a problem. the king of bohemia was in love with irene adler, and he is afraid thad she displayed a photo oj the two and king of scandinavia to stop the wedding. he wants thad holmes steals the photo from irene. holmes follows irene and sees that she marries with a lawyer. they create a paln to steal the photo but she realizes and goes away with his husband to france. irene leaves a letter saying that shouldn't worry that it neither will show the photo she won't even say anything. the king is satisfied because his wedding continues.

Ioi negatiboak

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LOTURA KIMIKOA: Lotura kimikoa substantzia kimikoa osatzen duten atomoen edo oinarrizko partikulen arteko elkarketa da.
LOTURA IONIKOA: Ioia atomo edo atomo elkarketa bat da, elektroi bat edo gehiago irabazi edo galdu dituena, eta horrenbestez, karga elektriko negatiboa edo positiboa lortu duena.
Ioi positiboak : Eratzen dira elementu baten atomoak bere kanpoaldeko elektroi bat edo gehiago galtzen duenean, ondorioz, galdutako elektroiak adina karga positibolortzen dituenean.
Ioi negatiboak:eratzen dira .... elektroiak irabazten duenean, ondoriz irabazitako elektroiek karga negatiboa lortzen dute.
Kristal sare ionikoaren eraketa: Lotura ionikoa elkarketa berezia da, aurkako zeinukoioien arteko erakarpen-
... Continuar leyendo "Ioi negatiboak" »


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bighead:engreido bore:aburrido bully:chulo eccentric:excéntrico flirt:ligon geek:idiota genius:genio hypocrite:hipócrita joker:bromista liar:mentiroso loner:solitario romantic:romántico
ask someone out:pedir una cita a alguien cheat on someone:engañar a alguien fall in love with someone:enamorarse de alguien finish with someone:romper con alguien get on well with:llevarse bien con alguien go out together for:salir juntos durante go out with someone:salir con alguien have an argument:tener una discusión introduce someone to:presentar a alguein split up:romper/separarse.
like+ing:I like/love/don´t mind/prefer/hate reading se utiliza para hablar de gustos preferencias y aficiones.
Would like:Afirmative:I´d would prefer hate like love to go... Continuar leyendo "Chuleta" »

Lista de Verbos irregulares de ingles

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Infinitivo    Participio    Traduccion

Be              Been           Ser Estar

Become     Become      Llegar a ser

Begin         Begun         Empezar

Break         Broken       Quebrar

Bring         Brought        Traer

Build            Built          Construir

Burn           Burned        Quemar

Burst           Burst           Explotar

Buy            Bought        Comprar

Catch         Caught        Atrapar

Choose      Chosen         Elegir

Come         Come           Venir

Cost            Cost            Costar

Cut             ... Continuar leyendo "Lista de Verbos irregulares de ingles" »

Cap 10

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I did a lot of work: Hice un montón de trabajo
I met someone interesting: Conocí a alguien interesante
I read a couple of books: He leído un par de libros
my best friend didn't invite me over for dinner
My family didn't stay home
did you have to work late? no, I didn't, yes I did
cuando:when, por qué : why, quien :when, donde :where, qué :what, con quien :with whom, cual :which
good luck
happy birthday
good for you
you poor thing
I,he,she it:was/////you, we they: were
I was in London last year
weren’t at home last weekend (wasn´t)
Were you sick yesterday?

Nacionalidades en inglés

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Canada - Canadian

The United State - American

Brazil - Brazilian

Argentina - Argentinian

Great Britain - British

Ireland - Irish

Morocco - Moroccan

Italy - Itlian

China - Chinese

Japon - Japanese

Australia - Australian

Belgian - Belgiun

Denmark - Danish

France - French

Greece - Greek

Germany - German

Hungary - Hungarian

Norway - Norwegian

Sweden - Swedish


Russia - Russian

Turkey - Turkish

Scotland - Scottish

Wales - Welsh

Portugal - Portugese

Poland - Polish

Resumen librito

Enviado por Programa Chuletas y clasificado en Inglés

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One day a truck stopped at a traffic light on the street where they lived Wallace and Gromit and the truck let out a small sheep and the driver noticed he had come and sign in the door. Wallace and Gromit were working on a cleaner company. Wallace invented a machine to get dressed and get to the kitchen and another to make porridge. The sheep came into the house began to bite everything he found and bit the wires of the machine jam and broke. Wendolin call Wallace and Gromit to clean his glasses and Wendolin Wallace fell in love with her and is talking in the shop while cleaning the glass Gromit. Preston Wendolin was the dog that was an invention of his father to let him die at Preston and the shop. They were sheep thieves who used to make... Continuar leyendo "Resumen librito" »