Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Secundaria

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Simple past

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ann: i'm very happy

you: ann said (that) she was very happy

you: ann told me (that) she was very happy

you: ann said to me (that) was very happy

other reporting verb: said, told, asked, admitted, replied, answered, etc.


ann: i live in a big house (simple present)

you: ann said that she lived in a big house (simple past)

ann: i dont like fish (simple present)

you: ann said that she didn't like fish (simple past)

ann: i didnt like fish when she was a child (simple past)

you: ann said that she hadnt liked fish when she had been a child (past parfect)

ann: i have studied a lot  for this test (present perfect)

you: ann said that she had studied a lot for this test (past perfect)

ann: i will remenber you forever (will)

you: ann said that she would remenber... Continuar leyendo "Simple past" »

Apuntes Verbos Participios, just, yet already

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Present Past Past ParticipleFreeze Froze FrozenSeek Sought SoughtBe Was, Were BeenGet Got GotSell Sold SoldBecome Became BecomeGive Gave GivenSend Sent SentBegin Began BegunGo Went GoneShine Shone ShoneBlow Blew BlownGrow Grew GrownShow Showed ShownBreak Broke BrokenHave Had HadSing Sang SungBring Brought BroughtHear Heard HeardSit Sat SatBuild Built BuiltHide Hid HiddenSleep Slept SleptBuy Bought BoughtHold Held HeldSpeak Spoke SpokenCatch Caught CaughtHurt Hurt HurtSpend Spent SpentChoose Chose ChosenKeep Kept KeptSpring Sprang SprungCome Came ComeKnow Knew KnownStand Stood StoodCut Cut CutLay Laid LaidSteal Stole StolenDo Did DoneLeave Left LeftSwim Swam SwumDrink Drank DrunkLet Let LetSwing Swung SwungDrive Drove DrivenLie Lay/Lied Lain/... Continuar leyendo "Apuntes Verbos Participios, just, yet already" »

Irregular verbs

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saber know knew
apendre learn learnt
merxar leave left
prestar lend lent
permetre let let
perdre lose lost
fer make made
cadar meet met
pagar pay paid
posar put put
llegir read read
muntar ride rode
trucar ring rang
correr run ran
dir say said
pensar thik thought
llençar throw threw
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Irregular Verbs Pag 1

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Be - Was - Been (ser,estar)
Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Became Become Llegar a ser
Begin Began Begun Comenzar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar
Bite Bit Bitten Morder(picar)
Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Break Broke Broken Romper
Bring Brought Brought Traer
Burn Burnt Burnt quemar
Build Built Built Construir
Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Can Could (Been Able) Poder/saber
Catch Caught Caught Coger
Choose Chose Chosen Elegir
Come Came Come Venir
Cost Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Do Did Done Hacer
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamt Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallen caerse
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Fight Fought Fought Luchar
Hide Hid Hidden Esconder
Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Hold Held Held Asir/agarrar
... Continuar leyendo "Irregular Verbs Pag 1" »


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will/wont i will i won´t

present perfect
i have finished

p. simple
ser o estar i am etc
3 personas ayade -s

p. simple have got
i have got

present continuo
i am playing -ing

present pasiva verbos ultima fila
i am invited
she is not invited
are you invited

i have/has jus´t + verbo pasado

pasado simple
añadiendo -ed
interrogativas y negativas con did

pasado continuo
i was estuding

have to: tener k
i have to
do you have to estudy¿

how long: durante cuanto tiempo
how long have you lived here?¿

first condicional:
if+suj+presente simple+suj+will+ v

for an since:
for: por para since:desde

his:su maskulino
her:su femenino

Planning holidays

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1-Complete the comversation.

daniel: Hi Jack.I have the tikets.

the __________ to Oaxaca is

going to leavein 20 minutes.

jack: That"s good. i"m going to buy

some ___________ and drink for

the journey.

Daniel: good ¡dea! look - there"s Laura

and Nicole. Do you think they are

going to be ____________ ,too?

Nicole: Yes, i am. i"m also tired.

i"m going to_______________

Jack: OK. in that case, i"m going to ___________ enough food for everyone.

Daniel: great! let"s meet back here in __________________ minutes.

it"s going to be a ______________ trip, but i"m going to enjoy every minute.

R:long,fiften,buy,sit dawn,behind,food,bus

2-complte the miniconverstation.

destination                      time                         ... Continuar leyendo "Planning holidays" »

Verbos irregulares de reciclar

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 cut down reducir
 destroy destrozar
 keep clean mantener limpio
 pollute contaminar
 protect projecto
 recycle reciclar
 save salvar
 thorow away tirar
 turn off apagar
 waste gastar
bag  mochila
 bottle botella
 box cajo
 can poder
 cardboard tablon
 fabric fabricar
 glass gafas
 jar tarro
 metal metal
 paper papel
 plastic plastico
 rubber goma
 wood avena

Chuleta para examen verbos irregulares

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Opinion essayGraffiti is an art form that belongs to the urban Hip-Hop culture. It consist in paiting illegally artworks or signs in streets, public material or houses' walls. I think graffiti is a way to express your feelings by doing really good artwork paints. It may be illegal, but almost no one can negate than graffitis are nice. It's just the new urban art. But even if it's illegal, there are some places where you can paint graffiti legally and sometimes people organizes graffiti contests where the graffiti artists go and paint their most beautiful artworks. In my opinion graffiti is a good thing and might not be illegal, but as long as it is illegal, people who paints them will have to arrisk for the urban art

Biography of a famous

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El futuro.

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 In 2050. think the world in 2050 will be better than now on the majority of things. The people are going to live than 120 years other good thing are computers and robots they will do all the newspaper.- The holidays will be in ithers planets an galasian.- The euro will be use in all of europe an america and the north of Africa, on the other hard some hing will be cuorse; because people don´t going to do nothing opend the pollution will be bigger than now.- To sun up the world in 2050 in general will be waetter than now but it will have some bad thing.

When the circus arrived,1 a little child was criying. 2: A woman with a trolley was buying bananas. 3: A mechanic was reparing a car. 4: Two children were listening to music. 5: The postman... Continuar leyendo "El futuro." »