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Ideas para redacción:
· Introducción:Nowadays (Hoy en día). In our society ( en nuestra sociedad). Today in our social structure (hoy en uestar estructura social.
· Desarrollo:
2-En cuestas /datos:As the recent surveys show
3-Ventajas y desventajas:
{on one hand {on one side {on the positive side
{on the other hand {on the other side{on the negative side
{I can show some advantages such as:
{But also there are some disadvantages such as:
And (y): In addition, Besides, Apart from.
Also (también): Too (al final), as well as.
But (pero): However, Nevertheless.
Because (por que): due to + sustantivo.
·Conclusión: To conclude (para concluir). In conclusión (en conclusión). According to the said before (de acuerdo con lo dicho anteriormente).
·Opinión personal:As for as I’m concerved. I think. In my opinion. From my point of view. As I see it.Redacción:personaje
In this essay I’m going to describe_____, who is my______ and I know (/her) since (/she) was a child. _______ who has an important role in our society due to (/her) charismatic personality. In conclusion (/she) looks younger than (she) is according to (/her) character (/she) is optimistic and full of life, so (/she) always gets (/her) objectives. Although (/she) is too ambitious (/she) is always helping people. Apart from that I have to say that (/she) is a great fighter and therefore never surrender. Sometimes (/she) post the tempers but (/she) is a good person to conduce I have to say that (/she) has a huge personality and sense of humour, although /he/she) has a bad memory. (/she) has the complexion of (/her) mother, but the character of (his/her) father. (/she) has (/short) hair, as (/blond) as the /sun). she) has a small nose but (/her) face is covered with specks. her) eyes are blue and big; as blue as the colour of the ocean and are always full of energy and vitality. but nobody is perfect although she is it.

Redacción modelo:problemas
·Introducción: In this essay, I´m going to talk about-----,because I think that it´s one of the most important problems in our modern society and we should try to face it.
·Desarrollo: The show the reality, it´s fair to comment the positive and the negative aspects of the theme to get a complete vision of it.
On the positive side, we can remark…
Whilst on the negative side the main problems live in…
·Conclusión: To conclude, I relieve that this problem can be avoiced or eliminated if all of us try to share our ideas and make a common effort to finish with the conflict.
·Opinión personal: As far as I´m concerned, we should be much more optimistic, if we wish to build a better world for the following generations.

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