Tema 1,2,3

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Present simple (aff-nrmal/+s, ngat-dnt,dsnt+nrml, pegu-do,does+nrmal)Prla de accions habit. O rutines, fets genrals, stative verbs, horaris (usually,always, ocasionaly,
never,oft e n,frequently,every week,in morning,on monday,once a month ,how often? ) (dislike,hate,hope,like,love,prefer,want,belive,forget,guess,know,remember,think,understand,feel,hear,see,smell,sound,taste,touch,cost,weigh,measure,belong,have,own)
Present continu (aff- is/are+ing, ngat- arnt,isnt+ing, pegu-are/is+ing) P a sen aket momnt(now, right now ,at the moment,these days,this month,year, at present, thonight, this afternoon,next sunday tomorrw,week,month,next,today)
Past simple (aff-ed/2col, ngat-didnt+nrmal, pegu-did+nrmal)
Prln de accio ke a psat en un moment knkret del psat (
ysterday,2dysago,lst year, in 2004, when,then ,ago)
Past continu (aff-ws/wre+ing, ngat-wsnt/wrnt+ing, pegu-ws/wre+ing) Allo ke tenia llok en 1 momnt konkrt dl psat(while,and,as,lst night,week,year,9oklok)
Past Prfkt simple (aff-had+ed/3col, ngat-hadnt+ed/col, pegu-had+3col/ed) i ndika ke una accio te llok avans ke unatre (1- pst simple/ 2- cntinous)
Presnt prfkt simple (aff-hs/hve+ed/3col, ngat hsnt/hvent+ed/3col, pgu-hs/hve+3col/ed) Accions ke no stan akavads (ever,never,yet,just,alrdy,recntly,lately,how long,since,for)
Gerundi(ing): CD,drera prep.(by)principi frase
Infinitiu(to),drera adj(hapy,slowly)drera me,verbs(hear,feel,see ,agree,choose,decide,expect,hope,refuse,want )
Be used to(esta akostumat) get used to(sesta acostuman)
Adjectius+prep: afraid of(fer por) worried about(amoïnat)tired of(cansat)looking after(quidar)going up(millorar)look up(buscar)are looking up(millorar)turn down(abaxar)looking into(investigar) talk about(parlar de)talk to(parlar amb)think about(opinar de)wait for(esperar) arrive at(arribar a) proud of(orgullos de) look for(buscar)look out(vigilar)look forward to(esparar amb il·lu) .
Connectors: and(i)in adition(a mes a mes)furthermore(adamés)moreover(a mes a mes)also(tambe)=too,as well as(axí com)but(pero) , however (sin embargo) ,nevertheless (no obstant) ,yet (encara) ,although (a pesar de) ,i spite of (a pesar de) ,despite (a pesar de que) ,meanwhile (mentres tant) ,afterwards (despues)
Preposicions: with(amb)about(aprop de)by(per)at(en)for(de)in(en)to(a)of(de)
Estructura: Subjekte+verb+object+mannera+lloc+temps////questionword+verbauxiliar(Does/are)subjecte+verb+0bjecte?

vocabulary:Fidget(inquiet)unwilling(no disponible)develop(desenvolupar)tool(eina)catch on(atrapar)stand a change(oportunitat)drums(tocar)chess(escacs)solving(resoldre)arrange(organitzar )develop(desenvolupar)great at(segenial en)live up to(deixar de fer una cosa)effort(esforç)mark(marcar algo)ordinary(normal)pleased(content)realise(adonarsen)recognise(reconeixer)stand a chance(oportunitat)work out(treballar fora)goggles(ulleres)power cut(tallar subninistrament elek.)flow(fluix)lap(volta)outgoing(sortir fora)funny(divertit)shy(timid) average height(pes adekuat)medium build(bona figura)slim(prim)wear glasses(portar ulleres)blond(clar)dark(fosk)dessert(postres)disappointment(desecort)exchange(canviar)fake(fals)get to know(akonseguir)hide(amagar)in any case(en qualsevol cas)laughing(rient)lead(permetre)look like(apareça)matter(problema)reasonable(tenir rao)sense of humor(sentit humor)signal(señal)voice(veu)researcher(investigado)spread(difondre)trust(confiar)juicy(sucos)embarrassed(avergoñit)proud(orgullos)fightened(espentat)uncomfortable(incomode)boast(presumit)by word of mouth(boca en boca)classmate(compañklase)gossip(xibar)intimate(intimar)latest(ultim)likely(agradablement)need(necessitar)proof(prova)rush(afeñarse)talk show(mostra una ksa)trust(confiar)word of warning(dmanar konsell)acturally(de fet)stool(tamboret) approach(metode)recognise(reconeixer)background(reformes)pairs(parelles)train(entrenar)great at(sortinse)arrange(ordanar)amazing(sorprenent)fidgeting(moures continuament)cath on(posarse de moda)stand a change(tenir oportunitat)succeed(tenir exit)work out(entendre)live up(desenvolupar)lookfor(buskar)seldom(no gaire)not seem(no sembla) full stop(punt)brackets(parentesi)dash(guionet)pen pals(amik korrespo.)i'mnot mad(nostikboig)halls(entrades)i'm so pleased(stik kontent) feel like(tenir ganes)agreed upon(em van conduir)relationship(relacio)melt(fondres)hint(insinuar)guess(endivinar)lame(coix)led(acompañat)bossy(mandon)craze(moda)to sum up(per akabar)taken the word by storm(tenir molt exit)meal(apat)silly(tonto)actually(de fet) matter(important)both(totsdos)inorder to(per tal)hide(amaga)nerly(gairebe)lead(guiar)alredy(ja)spilt(vessar)by the time(un momnt konkret) however(no obstant) issues(temes)moody(llunatik)in short(en definitiva)easy to get along with(persona fasil de rlacionarse)shake(tremolar)flat mate(kompañ pis)although(nkara ke)flwd(fluir)coincidntlly(casualment)in any case(de totes formes )evry whre(a tt arreu)whter(tn si com)mainly(bsicmnt)latest(ultm)talk show(prgrma dntrvistes)pass on(pssar)word of wrning(praula dadvertncia)both(tan com)sensible(assnyat)major(princpal)appear(atreure)big brek came(la sva 1ra oprtnat d tnir exit)
Rafa is one of my best friends because I have known him for 14 years and we have the same interests. He is a year younger than me but he is very mature for his age.
He is quite short and thin. He has short blonde hair, in fact, he has the same hairstyle since he was two but he doesn’t want to change it. He goes to the gym twice a week because he wants to appear strong and he also plays tennis. I’ve played many matches against him and I’ve won more times than him.
When we were younger, my parents didn’t want me to go with him because he was very naughty and they thought that he was a bad influence for me, but I think that it was a foolish.
Although his character, he is a very good friend and when I use to spend a very good time when I’m with him.

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