Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Universidad

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Crash voiced or voiceless

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the air is stopped by the two lips closed quite tightly,then the lips are opened and the air passes out
./p/voiceless sound.
spell p,pp gh(hicough) silent p: pneumatic
./b/ voiced sound.
spell b,bb silent b: thumb,tomb.First the air is stopped by the front of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge.The ridge is behind the top teeth.Second the air is let out when the tongue is taken away from the alveolar ridge
spell t,tt,th(thomas)silent t:castle,listen/d/ voiced spell:d,dd,-ed past regular forms.First the air is stopped by the back of the tongue touching the soft palate.After that the air is let out when the tongue is taken away from the soft palate
./k/ voiceless.Spell:k,c,cc,ck,ch,qu.Silent k:knife /g/voiced.Spell:g,gg,gh(... Continuar leyendo "Crash voiced or voiceless" »