Frsases ingles
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2. Adiós = Goodbye
3. ?Cómo esta usted? = How are you?
4. Muy bien, ?y tú? = I am fine, and you?
5. ?Habla español? = Do you speak Spanish?
6. Sí = Yes
7. No = No
8. ?Dónde está el cuarto de baño? = Where is the bathroom?
9. No entiendo. = I do not understand.
10. ?Dónde está el mejor restaurante? = Where is the best restaurant?
11. No hablo inglés. = I don't speak English. (I do not speak English)
12. Perdóneme = Pardon me (Excuse me).
13. ?Qué hora es? = What time is it?
14. Ayúdeme, por favor. = Help me, please.
15. ?Puede ayudarme? = Can you help me?
16. Te amo = I love you.
17. ?Cómo se llama usted? = What's your name? (What is your name?)
18. Gracias = Thanks (Thank you).
19. De nada = You're welcome (You... Continuar leyendo "Frsases ingles" »