Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Otros cursos

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Frsases ingles

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1. Hola = Hello
2. Adiós = Goodbye
3. ?Cómo esta usted? = How are you?
4. Muy bien, ?y tú? = I am fine, and you?
5. ?Habla español? = Do you speak Spanish?
6. Sí = Yes
7. No = No
8. ?Dónde está el cuarto de baño? = Where is the bathroom?
9. No entiendo. = I do not understand.
10. ?Dónde está el mejor restaurante? = Where is the best restaurant?
11. No hablo inglés. = I don't speak English. (I do not speak English)
12. Perdóneme = Pardon me (Excuse me).
13. ?Qué hora es? = What time is it?
14. Ayúdeme, por favor. = Help me, please.
15. ?Puede ayudarme? = Can you help me?
16. Te amo = I love you.
17. ?Cómo se llama usted? = What's your name? (What is your name?)
18. Gracias = Thanks (Thank you).
19. De nada = You're welcome (You
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Afijos ingles

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a ante be by counter cross de dis e ex fore hind ill mal mis non out over self un under able ible age al ance ant ent ate ation cy dom ee ed en er fold ful fy ian ic ish ist ite ity ize less let like ly ment ness ery ry ship some th ward wise y

Tiempos de ingles

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PRESENTE SIMPLE: DOES: he she it. DO: I, you, we, they. Oraciones afirmativas: he, she, it + verbo + "s" o "es"(h o vocal). I, you, we they, + verbo igual. La regla de la s o es de sa para he she e it en oraciones afirmativas.Oraciones negativas: he, she, it + doesn´t + verbo igual. I, you, we, they + don´t + verbo igual. Preguntas: Do/Does + pronombre + verbo igual.Indicadores: always, sometimes, usually, often, hardlyever, never, every day. siempre estan antes del verbo ppal de la oracion.
PRESENTE CONTINUO: AM: I; IS: he, she, it; ARE: you, we, they. Afirmaciones: pronombre + tobe + verbo con ing. Negaciones: Pronombre + tobe negativo + verbo con ing. Pregunta: Tobe + pronombre + verbo con ing. Indicadores: now, at the moment, right now,
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Enviado por Kiara y clasificado en Inglés

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i was born in Barcelona but my family moved to vilafranca's when i was 3,so that's really my home town for 12 years.It's a small celler wine town near to san sadurni d'anoia, on the middle of catalonia,with over 60.000 people.
Vilafranca's a quiet town,with green areas,rambla and big parks,very small shop and one famous cathedral. There isn't a beach and in the summer people go to sitges or vilanova de la geltru. There isn't nightlife,normally people goes to barcelona.
The weather here is good. the winter's cold and always we have a good weather in summer.
Vilafranca is famous for the celler winter,for exemple Torres,but the most famous is san sandurni, because here there are the most famous celler wine,Freixenet,codorniu,montblanc.Another thing

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Perífrasis verbales: se construyen con dos o más formas verbales, expresan un solo significado, distintos valores aspectuales y funcionan como un solo verbo.
Se forman con:
Un verbo auxiliar: que es un verbo conjugado que ha perdido total o parcialmente su significado propio y aporta ciertos valores aspectuales.
Verbo principal en infinitivo, gerundio, participio: es el núcleo y expresa el significado principal de la perífrasis.
Verbo auxiliar + (nexo) + gerundio.

Clases de perífrasis:

Modales : expresan la actitud del hablante ante la acción verbal.
De obligación: el hablante expresa la acción como obligatoria: haber de, haber
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Past simple, Past continuous, weather and temperatures

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La emp: unidd eco k s crea cn l fin d obtnr un bneficio a trves dl ejercicio d una actividd mpresarial. -extractivas:sctr primario, -indstriales: sct sec, -servicios: sctr terc. Func emp: -tecnika: rliza actividds ncesarias para la fbrikacion d ls prductos. -cmercial: activdds rlacionads cn la vnta d ls prductos. -financiera: activ rlacionads cn ls flujos d cpital. -scial:aspctos sciales i lborales dl prsonal. -administr: gstiona la admin i l cntrol d ls opraciones rlizadas n la emp. Deprt d cmpras: s l ncargado d adkirir ls prductos i gstionar ls srvicios ncesarios para l buen fncionamiento d la emp para k esta pda cnsegir ls objetivos mrcados. Prsonal d cmpras: -jefe d cmpras: ncargado d la org crdinacion i cntrol d tdas ls actividds rlacionadas... Continuar leyendo "Past simple, Past continuous, weather and temperatures" »

Asesinato en la playa!

Enviado por Rafa y clasificado en Inglés

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When Linda moves to Pennarron she never expects to be involved in a murder mystery. It all starts when she finds the body of a dead woman on the beach. She reports it to the police but they don´t believe her since there´s no evidence no report of any missing person. Accidentally, she met. Mark a handsome boy from the village who helps Linda with the investigation. They go to the beach and find evidence (someone throwing a rubbish bag, and two more bags –with a dead dog and papers with signatures-) on top of the cliffs. This led them to Carslbrook Mansion. There, they meet Julia, whose sister is Florence Landsman, the dead woman on the beach. After some suspicious clues ( unexperience servants, the two sisters never together, the mysterious... Continuar leyendo "Asesinato en la playa!" »

Aleman dialogos

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Recepcion:Guten tag! kann ich Ihnen helfen?
- ja, ich möchte gerne (drei Tage) hier bleiben. haben Sie ein Einzelzimmer frei?
-Einen moment bitte, ich sehe mal nach!
Ja, hier habe ein Einzelzimmer (mit bad ...) für (drei Tage).
-Was kostet das Zimmer?
-Es kostet (55 euro) pro nach, mit Früstuck
-Gut, ich möchte das Zimmer nehmen.
-Wie ist Ihre name, bitte?
- Geben Sie mir bitte Ihren Pass?
-Hier bitte.
-Sie haben die Zimmernummer 246
Hier ist der Schlüssel.
Dänke Scön Auf Wiedersehen!
(Gast y Rezeptionist)

Angellstellter: - Guten morgen! Ihr ticket bitte!
-Hier, bitte
-Sie fliegen nach (Madrid)?
-Ja, un dann weiter nach (Las Palmas)
ich studiere dort (6 monate).
Wie viel aufenhalt habe ich in madrid?
-Zwei stunden. Wo möchten sie sitzen?
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List of irregulars verbs

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infinitive past simple past participle
be was/were been ser/estar
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun empezar
bite bit bitten
blow blew blown
break broke broken romper
bring brought brought saltar
build built built contruir
buy bought bought comprar
catch caught caught agarrar
choose chose chosen elegir
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Ingles 2 de bachiller

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-complete the sentences: burglars...had left. I.. started. He.. has worked. She..has swim. You.. have had.

-complete the sentences withthe modals: Might, mustn´t, couldn´t, ought to.

-read and choose the best: b, b, a, b.

-rewrite in reported speech: (she said that john had arrived very late)  ( the policeorderd the man to put his gun down)  (he asked me why I was looking to him) (the park keeper warned us not to walk on the grass)  (Mrs brown wants to kow if jenny was a good student)

- circle the words: neoghbourhood; event; succeed; violent.

-rewrite using the verds: ( it isn´t warm enough)   ( my sister is too short to be a fashion model)   ( john didn´t speak loudly enough so nobody heard him)

-complete the dialogue: date; appeals... Continuar leyendo "Ingles 2 de bachiller" »