Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Bachillerato y Selectividad

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Vocabulario ingles segundo bachillerato

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admire-admirar/appeal to- atraer/be around-existir/branch-sucursal/call off-cancelar/come down on-se duro con/costume-disfraz/dazzling-deslumbrante/ display-exponer/disturbing-inquietante/fad-moda/for years to come-durante muchos años/go wild-enloquecer/hairdo-peinado/in the spotlight- el centro de atencion/live up to- estar a la altura/ look up to- admirar/ lucky breack- golpe de suerte/ make a comeback-reaparecer/ make it- llegar lejos/ onstage-en el escenario/ outrageous-extravagante/ overnight- de la noche a la mañana/ packed-abarrotado/ rehearse- ensayar/ review-critica/role model- modelo de conducta/ rumour-rumor/ scandal-escandalo/sell out-agotarse/set-escenario/show off-presumir/ stand for-significar/ stand out- destacar/ stand up... Continuar leyendo "Vocabulario ingles segundo bachillerato" »

Tom sawyer

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obsolete:showing or calling for intelligence,aptitude, ordiscernment

having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, orcontriving

marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution


:clothed with worn or seedy garments

threadbare and faded from wear





:deep distress, sadness, or regret especially for the loss of someone or something loved

a cause of grief or sadness

a display of grief or sadness


:full of scorn:



is a branch ofbiologyandmedicinethat is the consideration of thestructure of living things


es un personaje ficticio del mundo del cómic, propiedad deMarvel Cómics



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La Perla

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Resumen del libro: The stories about an indian Kino, his wife Juana and their children coyotito. They live in a poor house near the sea. Kino was young and strong. He had blade hair, a bright eyes, thin and strong moustache. They was very happy but muy pobres.una mañana estaban desasuyando y se encontraron a un escorpion al lado de Coyotito. El bebe se desperto y se movio y el escorpion le pincho. Entonces Kino y Juana se llevaron al bebe al doctor, pero el doctor no quiso curar al bebe porque decia que no era un doctor de animales. Fueron a la playa porque tenian alli un barco que era del abuelo de Kino y le puso un poco de arena en la picadura y se metieron en busca de una perla. Kino encontro una perla perfecta y enseguida fue a enseñarla.... Continuar leyendo "La Perla" »

Pretérito perfecto simple+gerundio

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El tema del texto es________________________________________.  A partir del análisis  de los

 conectores ( ____________________ ) y organizadores textuales ( _______________________ )

podemos dividir el texto en _____ partes. En la primera, el autor expone/ afirma que___________

__________________________________________. En la segunda, argumenta/ desarrolla______

(Y, en la tercera, concluye ______________­_______________________________________). Se

trata de un texto periodístico de opinión/ información. La modalidad textual que predomina es la

argumentación /exposición ya que se pretende convencer/informar al receptor de _____________

 _______________; por lo tanto, la/s función/es del lenguaje que destaca/n es/son_____________

______... Continuar leyendo "Pretérito perfecto simple+gerundio" »


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Hester Prynne - passionate, strong, feisty and intelligent. Pearl - illegitimate daughter of Hester, intelligent. Roger Chillingworth is really Hester's husband, vengeful(vengativo), erudite, evil(malvado)  Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale amant d hesper - intelligent and emotional, persuasive, funky(cobarde)handsome  Governor Bellingham - rich. her sister, Mrs. Hibbins Mistress Hibbins - a widow(viuda) who lives with his brother in a luxurious mansion. witch(bruja)  Reverend John Wilson - old father Puritan. Wilson follows the community guidelines strictly.
SUMMARY: The Scarlet Letter tells stories of a young woman named Hester Prynne in Massachusetts in the mid-seventeenth century. Hester is pregnant but she is separated from her husband. On the
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Relativos y condicionales

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i worki worked
i am workingi was working
i workedi had worked
i was workingigual
i have workedi had worked
i have been workingi had been working
i had workedigual
i had been workingigual
i am going toi was going to
we are going towe were going to
i will worki would work
musthad to/ would have to
must notwasn't to/ weren't to
needn'tdidn't have to /wouldn't have to
has/have tohad to
had tohad had to
has hadhad had
v.ingwas .ing
now (ahora)at the time ( en ese momento)
this morningthat morning
yesterdaythe day before
tomorrowthe day after
next  weekthe following week
last yearthe year before
here (aqui)there (alli)

RELATIVE CLAUSES,ESPECIFICATIVAS.... Continuar leyendo "Relativos y condicionales" »


Enviado por Alba y clasificado en Inglés

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- It was a long journey. He wasn't bored(although)

Although it was a long journey, he wasn't bored

- The food tasted bad. They weren't ill (in spite of the fact)

They weren't ill in spite of the fact the food tasted bad

- It was a cheap youth hostel. We decided to stay there for a week. (such...that)

It was such a cheap youth hostel that we decided...

- I was a tired after the bike ride. I went to sleep. (so...that)

I was so tired after the bike ride that i went to sleep

-They booked a beach holiday. They wanted to go surfing( so that)

They booked a beach holiday so that they could go surfing

- She didn't buy the plane ticket. She was scared of flying.( as)

She didn't buy she was scared of flying.

-He'd forgotten his swimscuit. He couldn't go

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Too much televisión selectividad resuelto

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Junio 2005

Too much televisión

A new study suggests that the amount of televisión young children watch may be directly related to
attention problems later in school.


Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given
for only TRUE or FALSE.
a. It seems that the Attention Déficit Disorder appears when children's brains are not


A.D.D. Experts say that A.D.D. Involves an over-stimulation of young developing brains
and teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of the disorder.
b. The new study examined the effect of TV on attention problems in teenagers.


This new study tested the idea that televisión watching by very young children is linked to

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