Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Bachillerato y Selectividad

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A film review

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The title of the film is Titanic.

It’s starred by Jack Dawson (Leonardo Dicaprio), Rose De Witt Bukater (Kate Winstet), Cal Hackley (Billy Zane).

It is about a love story which takes place on the famous boat Titanic. Rose, the main character is engaged to the wealthy Cal. Their engagement is disrupted when Rose meets the poor Jack. The difference in the two social classes cause for concern. If Rose decides to marry Cal, her and her mother will be financially stable. If she breaks her engagement, she wil be with the man that she loves.The film takes place between Iceland and New York, and occurred in April 14, 1912 approximately.

An old lady who claims to be a survivor of the Titanic tells her story to an eager group of treasure hunters,

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1why was the narrator surprised that wyatt had reserved three cabins and not two?because wyatt travel with her wife and his two sisters and he didn´t understand why he reserved three cabins because the cabins were large and each one and two beds,one above the other2after the narrator looked at the list,what did he decided the extra cabin was for? for the baggage or the sirvent.3what news did the captain give the narrator and why did he find this strange?told that mis wyatt was not feeling well and so the family would arrive the following day just before the ship sailed.4in your on words explain why the narrator was surprised when he met mrs wyatt?the narrator suprised because the narrator lways agree with wyatt´s opinion about the beauty

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Narraciones en inglés.

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you going to do next year?

I think that the following course will be tougher than previous years,but it is normal because it is a higher level.Maybe nexxt year I will have to retake some subjects from the first year becayse I havent studied that much this summer, and some subjects will be pending until next february, but if Istuddy hard, I will pass them.
Probably I wont go to university, because I want to have a break , a year off travelling around Europe with my best friend,qho is one year old than me.During this tour i will be able to learn different languages and affter this trip I would like to look for a job, a preferably as a psicology, but to do all these things first I have to pass all my exams to begin with my plans.


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1º examen

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No bebas tanto:don't drink so much
ellas no tienen razón,están equivo:
they arent' right,they´re wrong.
préstame unas pocas monedas:
lend me a few coins.
habia demasiada gente:
there were to many people.
esta sopa sabe mal:
this tostes is bad.
qué tiempo hizo ayer?:
what was the weather like yesterday?
mira como canto:
watch me sing.
puede que haya un examen:
they may be an exam
debe haber alguien dentro:
there must be somebody inside.
debería haber más dinero:
there should be more money
3/-------- to talk: talking
stop: to stop
case: notice
remember: remind (of)
they: them
lend: pay
leave: give up
dropped: put off
andry: filthy
boiling: exhausted
5/---------what happened to them?
he takes part in the film
trust in me
we were successful in our company
she is
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Redacciones Ingles Segundo Trimestre

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Environment.[1.For contribute to preserving the environment in your daily routine must do their part. Our habits have much todo with the pollution of the environment.][2.Only we have to change old habits and to reduce, to re-use and to recycle everything that coved harm our planet. All this can do we inside and outsider our home. Later, I will enumerate some examples are easy to do. With the help of everyone well obtain big and positive results.] [3.Inside the home, for example: - We must use the shower better than the bath. If we do so, well spend less water.- To go to work by bike instad of by car. The bike contaminates less and its cheaper. - To go to supermarket with our own bags and then we re-use them as rubbish bags.]

Internet.[1.Nowadays,... Continuar leyendo "Redacciones Ingles Segundo Trimestre" »

A film review

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The titanic

The film Titanic is a romance starring Leonardo Dicaprio as Jack Dawson, Kate Dindel as Rose De Witt anda Billy Zane as Cal Hackley. It is about fictional romantic tale of a rich girl and poor boy who meet on the ill-fated voyage of the 'unsinkable' ship.

The film takes place between Iceland and New York, and occurred in April 14, 1912.

An old lady who claims to be a survivor of the Titanic tells her story to an eager group of treasure hunters, who are in search of a rare diamond in the Titanic's wreckage.
Her name is Rose and she was a passenger on the Titanic along with the star, Jack.
The two meet and Rose, unhappy with her arranged marriage Jack, a young artist, who struggles to get through with life spends time with

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Jose celedonio tubores y el faro de la puntilla

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El municipio lleva su nombre por el prócer de nuestra independencia coronel José Celedonio Tubores, quien nació en Pedregales, Isla de Margarita el 4 de marzo de 1771. Sus padres: Gaspar de Tubores y María Isabel Cuello. Se casó con Ana Joaquina Guerra, con descendencia.

José Celedonio Tubores entró desde el mismo comienzo a formar filas en el movimiento emancipador de Margarita. En 1815 ya era capitán de caballería. En el año 1816 el Libertador lo ascendió a coronel. Cuando el general Pablo Morillo desembarcó con sus tropas en el puerto de El Guamache, el coronel Joaquín Maneiro le sostuvo una tenaz y heroica oposición. En el sangriento combate salió herido el Jefe del Estado Mayor de la Caballería José Celedonio Tubores. El

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Verbos estaticos

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V Estaticos: dislike, enjoy, hate,hope, lioke, love, prefer, want, believe, forget, guess, know, remember, think, understand, feel, hear, see, smeel, sound, taste, touch, cost, weigh, belong, own. INFINITIVOS: agree, appear/seem, choose, decide, expect/hope, learn, plan, promise, refuse, want, wishy detras d adj y adverbio V+to

Superlativos, Comparativos y P.P

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Your sister is smaller than you. Tu hermana es mas baja que vos.
The wather in Cancun is hotter than the wather in northern Canada.
Argentina is richer than Bolivia.
The Golden... is more crowded than the,,,,,
Carnival in... is more famous than carnival...
You are the tallest in your family. Sos el más alto en tu familia.
De la plata river is the most imposrant of the three, of all, around the world.
Punta cana is the most famous of the

Persona+auxiliar+verbo [hay que fijarse en la persona]
he, she, it van con el auxiliar has
I, they, we, you van con have
Si el verbo es irregular cambia tipo go se convierte en gone
Si el verbo es regular solo se le agrega ed al final ej. phone phoned
Si es pregunta cambia el orden: auxiliar+persona+... Continuar leyendo "Superlativos, Comparativos y P.P" »


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Consecuencias de las migraciones exteriores
-Para los paises emisores de emigrantes, las consecuencias son demograficas, pierden personas jóvenes y desciende la natalidad; economicas, disminución del paro y mejora economica gracias al dinero enviado por los emigrantes; y sociales disminución del descontento social.
-Para los paises receptores las consecuencias son demograficas, aumentan su población y crece la natalidad; economicas , disponen de mano de obra; y sociales, como sociedades multiculturales. Este hecho crea ciertos problemas de xenofobia y racismo: imigracion ilegal.

gaugin: color cn pinceld plana/colo calido:amarll ocre rojo/pintur cn caratr simbolic,ca una expres 1idea/propulsor del simbols y expresionism. crist amarillo,tahitianas,... Continuar leyendo "Redaccion" »