Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Bachillerato y Selectividad

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Gerunds: apreciate, dislike, keep, practise, delay, enjoy, miss, risk, discuss, finish, put off, suggest, postpone, imagine, mind, feel like, can't help, give up, can't stand, be used to, get used to, there's/it's no use, be worth Infinitives: afford, agree, arrange, decide, hope, manage, plan, prepare, promise, refuse, make up, up to, turn out, be about, advise, enable, invite, persuade, tell, allow, forbid, order remind, want, convince, force, permit, teach, warn Tots dos: advise, allow, begin, can't bear, can't stand, cease, hate, like, love, permit, recommend, start, continue.

state-estat terms-condició seminar-seminari degree-títol co-educational-cole mixta private-privat primary-primari tutorial-tutorial graduate-graduat nursery school-... Continuar leyendo "Chuleta" »

Accidental tourist

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1Which words are missing? For each sentence, tick a, b or c.
1When traveling, Macon always wore . . b a suit

2When Sarah first met Macon, he was planning to be . a a poet
3For Christmas, Julian bought Rose . b a ring
4Macons handwriting was . . . a neat
5Muriel sent Macon . . . c a calendar
2Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
aMacon has two brothers. T
bMuriel often goes to expensive shops. F
cSarah is older than Muriel. T
dThey make screwdrivers at the Leary factory. F
eWhen she first met Macon, Muriel was still married. F
3Fill in the gaps using: basement, turkey, leash, allergic, crutches
aAlexander said he was…allergi.. to pizza.
bRose cooked a …turkey.. for Thanksgiving dinner.
cMacon broke his leg, and had to use …crutche .
dEdward... Continuar leyendo "Accidental tourist" »

Medio amb-móvil

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Many people think that environment it polluting, because people throw a lot of sweepings.
I think that it is truth but I think that other people try do not pollute more, and try help to the environment used products that not polluted, and too recycling all of it is possible.
In Spain more people try help to the environment, they want join strengths for can obtain this aim. One of a lot of groups is Green Peace, they help to the environment having that, trees and animals are good, they love the environment.
Finally, I am going to say that if we want save the environment only we have to do some things like; to recycle, to save and the more important, thinking that we can do it.

Nowadays, many people have mobile phones. They are becoming a necessary... Continuar leyendo "Medio amb-móvil" »

Toxic friends reading comprehensión

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1.The island of Borneo…c) is the closest place to Conan Doyle’s 1912 novel.|| 2. WWF scientists on a mission to Borneo … d) found many new species still unknown to science. || 3. Stuart Chapman has argued that
A) species are disappearing as they are discovered by scientists. || 4. According to the text…c) biologists have been fascinated by Borneo for a long time. || 5. The WWF expedition of July 2005 has… a) added the Paedocypris micromegethes to its list of new species. || 6. Mr Chapman has stated that Borneo has around 15.000 plant species, adding that… c) Malaysia and other Asían countries are going to sign an agreement of protection for
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Composición circo

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CIRCOAt present the circus is not a spectacle to which people go in mass,the circus no longer is like before it had until television programs this can be due to the advance of the technologies now people prefers other types of spectacles.So it is possible to be said that the circus has remained delayed because no longer the children are many who go to the circus/I am become fond of to the circus since it is an funny spectacle that is going to you to make laugh,to live moments on tension…the circus not only is a spectacle for children,all we have something of children.A cause that has caused that at present the circus is lost its attraction that also is one of its essences is that we are more customary to see before animal that.For my other... Continuar leyendo "Composición circo" »

Fernando Moreno

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Redacción:A month ago I bought a set of Play-Station 3, on a website. The order that I made, I sent him two weeks, and page by contrarrembolso. When you open the game and put it in the Play-Station 3, I saw the item was damaged. Do not delay get in touch with the website, where I bought the game and make a complaint. I found it odd that the article did not work well and was damaged. To put the claim to the site, I had to fill a sheet, which contained various data such as user's personal data, in this case of mine, my home, my person data that have occurred in the circumstances subject complaint and the facts claimed in a clear, simple and concise reason has to generate my dissatisfaction and what is the solution you want? Get with it. I had... Continuar leyendo "Fernando Moreno" »


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1-Cathy said that she was making fish and chips for dinner that night. 2-My oncle said that the weather had been very unreliable that month. 3-Norman said that they wouldn't be able to pay the bill the following week. 4- Glenda complained that she couldn'y reach the top shelf from there.

1-Lane asked me how long my father had been a detective. 2-Jon wanted to know what time their train to Mumbai was leaving. 3-He asked his wife why she had turned off the burglar alarm. 4-Alec asked his cousin if he had been at the game the previus night.


(0)if you press this Button, the computer shuts down. (P.SiMPLE-P.SiMPLE)--> pasarà si o si

(1)unless you pay attention in class, you'll past the exam. (P.SiMPLE-FUTURE SiMPLE)-->si hace ..... Continuar leyendo "Conditionals" »

Pesca al pinxo

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Ablanir estovar Agutzil oficial municipal que executa manaments del municipi Aixada eina per cavar terra Apegalós massa sociable Ataüllar imaginar-se Badana pell de be o ovella Baster
Albarder persona amb ofici de vendre o adobar bastons Batussa baralla Borrall porcíó petita Bresca estructura de cera del rusc que fan les abelles Cafrada acció pròpia d’un barbar Catxamona bufetada amb la punta dels dits Celístia claror dels estels Conciliàbul reuníó amb fins il·lícits Conjuminar ajustar,posar d’acord Consirós absent per un pensament preocupant Eixida sortida Eixir sortir Endergar endreçar Enjogassat deleitos de jugar Entrellucar entrebanc Esbravar
se alleujar l’anima d’algú deixant que t’expliqui els problemes Escalem... Continuar leyendo "Pesca al pinxo" »

Ingles c2 3

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BILINGUALISM AND MUL TILINGUALISM: All our students are able from birth to learn mere than one language, our brain is ready for that, we have evidence of this as many children living in bilingual countries learn more than one language without any problem. Children with special situation leam two languages without a problem. We can't copy these situations (familiar / country) in our classrooms as the inmersion isn't total but we can copy some ofthe resources. First we have to speak to our students in English as vehicle of communication and provide them with as much contact as possible with the language, children will leam and acquire in a natural way. Bilingualism and multilingualism don't mean equalingualism, when you leam two or more languages... Continuar leyendo "Ingles c2 3" »

The scarlet letter

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The Scarlet Lettertells the storyof shame andpublicpunishmentof a young womannamedHesterPrynne.Located in Boston(inthe Colony ofMassachusetts Bay) in mid-seventeenth century. When Hester pregnant, everyone believes he has committed adultery. Two years ago, which is separated from her husband, and therefore the child cannot be yours. Judges forced to wear the letter "A" scarlet bodice of her dress so that everyone knows their sin.

The Scarlet Letter begins when Hester is released from jail briefly for them to parade through the village and put the people on death row for all to see the "A". Takes her daughter, Pearl, in her arms. Pearl was born in prison. Hester refuses to reveal the name of Pearl's... Continuar leyendo "The scarlet letter" »