Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Bachillerato y Selectividad

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Importance of english

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Nowadays being proficient in English is very important because it´s one of the most important languages in the world. /  I think that it is very important because most people know it and it is very necessary to communicate with them. Moreover, English is an easy language to learn as it hasn´t got complicated verbs, but the patience and desire are also necessary. People say that if all the people speak English, probably the other minority languages like Basque will disappear. But in my opinion it isn´t true since English is only used to communicate with people around the world and to do business. Nevertheless, despite the importance, the method to teach English is very bad in most schools. / In short, my opinion is that English is very important

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Estilo indirecto

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present simple: I walk - past simple: I walked

present continuos: I am walking - past continuos: I was walking

preterito perfecto: I have walked - preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked

preterito indefenido: I walked - preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked

preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked - preterito pluscuamperfecto: I had walked

will: I will walk - would: I would walk

can: I can walk - could: I could walk

must: I must walk - had to:  I had to walk

here - there

this - that

these - those

now - then

next - the following week

today - that day

tonight - that night

tomorrow - the following day

yesterday - the day before

last week - the week before


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If you ask teenagers about the use of the Internet, they will say it's brilliant.
At first they are all advantages for the use of the Internet, but we know that this system also has disadvantages, but not a lot.
On the one hand, it has disadvantages because it distracts the employees in their work, is the main bridge is the internet piracy, bad and uncomfortable contains information (pornography, graphic violence, terrorism) that applies particularly to minors and the famous virus.
On the other hand, has much more advantages than disadvantages. We can communicate in a faster manner, the information search is simpler, allows you to buy articles online, read current newspapers, etc.
In my opinion, I think that Internet use is an advantage to man,... Continuar leyendo "Internet-obesidad" »

Antónimos inglés. vocabulario

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Antónimos safe≠dangerous top≠bottom interesting≠boring nature≠intature to tidy≠to mess to get worse≠to get better fair≠anfair death≠life harrw≠wude/broad to pull≠ push tight≠ loowe lie≠ truth to lie≠ to tell the truth arival≠ departure to take off≠ to land question≠ answer to ask≠ to answer to ask≠ to reply to hate≠ to love/to like above≠ below narrow≠ broad forwards≠ backwards take off≠ put on on time≠delayed land≠low to die≠to live to be proud of≠as homed of dead≠alive to admit≠deny to fill≠to empty guilty≠inocent beguin≠finish/to end lose≠win full≠empty


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Nowadays, Euthanasia is a controversial problem that causes death on the one hand, to patients who suffer pain or voluntary people who have psychological problems.|| These patients who suffer pain because of an illness like cancer, aids…, and illness which damage health of people and they want to end their lives. They people are desperate for damage caused, like the cause of a French teacher who wants to end their life because of an illness which hasn’t got are and her children will help to die in peace because all people have the right to die.||On other hand, people who have a psychological problem want to die because of a moral damage due to lack of a friend or family member. A particular case is that a Dutch woman whose children died... Continuar leyendo "Ingl" »


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These days,.... (problema) has/have become one of the most serious problem that our society has to (face up to - solve) / Over the past few generations the situation of ... (problema) has changed sifnificantly to adapt to the new circumstances of modern life. What do we can do? .-Body: On the one  hand, some people (say,think,believe) that.... .- However, others believe(say,think,believe) that... .- Conclusion: Personally, I believe that .... is the best option and that in the long run everyone will benefit from the situation. / As far as I am concerned, this question requires serious action from both individuals and the government and we all must work together.

-The development of new technology and communications during the last decade... Continuar leyendo "Imanta" »

Ahalera euskera ropa

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Puedo ir(joan naiteke)                   no puedo ir(ezin naiz joan)

he podido ir(joan ahal izan naiz)    no he podido ir(ezin izan naiz joan)

podré ir( joan ahal izango naiz)     no podré ir(ezin izango naiz joan)

podía ir( joan nintekeen)               no podía ir(ezin nintzen joan)

pude ir( joan ahal izan nintzen)     no pude ir(ezin izan nintzen joan)

podría ir(joan ninteke)                  no podría ir(ezin (izango) zinatek)e joan)


dezaket      ditzaket

dezakezu   ditzakezu

dezakegu   ditzakegu

dezake       ditzake 

dezakezue  ditzakezue

dezakete    ditzakete

Voz pasiva

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Ejercicios pasiva

  1. Sarah took a beautiful picture of the Empire State Building.
  2. Sheyla has an excellent job at a bank.
  3. The secretary did not bring the papers.
  4. John is setting a new carpet in the office.
  5. My grandfather was milking the cows at the farm.
  6. I will take a taxi after the meeting.
  7. We are going to see the movie.
  8. Susan has lost her glasses.
  9. He had begun his studies in Boston.
  10. The dog has bitten our neighbour.

  1. We will visit the Louvre Museum in Paris.
  2. My neighbour lends me the ladder.
  3. Sally and Tom paid the bills.
  4. My friends are enjoying the party.
  5. They were feeding the puppies.
  6. Anne's daughter will have a baby.
  7. Michael is going to plant a new tree in the park.
  8. We have saved enough money to buy a new flat.
  9. Tommy had already done his homework.
  10. My friend was
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Tiempos verbales

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Situacion pasada…..s+past perfect

Situación presente….s+ present simple

Situcion futura….s+would+infinitive

CAN: ability, inability, request, permission

COULD: ability in the past, request, asking for permission, suggestion, future possibility.

MAY: asking for permission, future possibility, probability

MIGHT: present possibility, future possibility, suggestion

MUST/MUSTN´T: obligation and command, strong necessity, deduction, prohibition

SHOULD/OUGHT TO: advice, probability or prediction

WILL: future, request, offer

WOULD: conditional, polite (offer, preferences, request, habits)

NED TO: obligation, necessity

NEEDN´T: lack of obligation and necessity

Achieved: logrado, broad:amplio, weakness: debilidad,

PASIVA: verbo tobe en el tiempo del verbo

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Libro de inlges kuestiones

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THE STOLEN LETTER:-who was georges godinot?he was the head of the paris police.-who took the princess’s letter from the table?monsieur Lebrun stole the letter.-why had the police attacked Lebrun?because they were looking for the stolen letter.-what address was Lebrun trying to find for dupin?he was trying to find the address of a good doctor.-what did dupin leave on the table in lebrun’s house?he left his gold cigarette case.-why did Lebrun run to the window and open it?because he heard a shot in the street.-why did the man fire the gun?because dupin asked him to shoot to distract Lebrun so he could get the letter.THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE:-how did the policeman and the other men get into the house?one of them broke the front door.-... Continuar leyendo "Libro de inlges kuestiones" »