Chuletas y apuntes de Inglés de Bachillerato y Selectividad

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Gerundios 2

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As the subject of a clause or sentence Eating out...
As the object of a clause or sentence My interest is collecting
C-After vbs 1-Vbs qu expresan like or dislike 2-Vbs como: admit, appreciate, avoid, can't help, consider, delay, deny, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve, keep, mind, miss, postpone, put off, prevent, report, resist, risk, suggest.
After prep 1- After all prep 2- After adj+prep combination: about - nervous, worried. at - bad, good, clever, skilled. for - sorry, responsible. in - interested. of - capable, afraid, frightened, terrified. with - bored. 

As the subject of a clause or sentence Eating out...
As the object of a clause or sentence My interest is collecting
C-After vbs 1-Vbs qu expresan
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10.2.c.3.b.4.c.5.b.6.a.7.a.8.c.9.a.10.c.12.2.if you had wake me up,now i World late for my appointment.3.if she were well qualified she would have gotten the job.4.if we liked fast food we would have gone toke.5.if she had brought her umbrella,he wouldn´t be getting wet now.6.if I know them very well, so I would have gone to the party,7,if he would be at the lecture he had been told about it.8.if they had taken a map whit them,they wouldn´t he lost now.9.i fthe driver were careful, he wouldn´t have crashed his car.10.if I had bought tickets, we could go to the theatre tonigh,11. if I had reserved a table he wouldn´t have to wait.12.if sue hadn´t forgotten to go to the bank she would be able to go shopping now.14.2.hadn´t shouted.3.would... Continuar leyendo "Ejercicios" »


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1)Synonymous: *Actually-in fact * tiny-small
Antonymous: *Winner-loser * happiness-sadness o unhappiness

2)Conditionals :
·I wont give you any pocket money. You never tidy your room
If you tidied your room, I would give you some pocket money
·He has a greet pianist. He practiced hard every day:
If he hadnt practiced hard every day, he wouldnt have been a greet pianist
·I didnt know the truth. I voted for them.
If I had know the truth, I wouldnt have voted for them

·That is the question. He insisted on it the other day
That is the question which he insisted on the other day
·I brought the album. My friend had recommended it to me
I brought the album which my friend had recommended me
·Oscar Pistorius is a paralympic athlete. His legs... Continuar leyendo "Ingles" »


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1.1Professor Pesca considers himself in debt to Walter because once he saved his life.1.2The woman was slim and with fair hair. She was nervous and she was dressed in white from head to foot.1.3She said that when she was a young girl, she went to school in Cumberland and she knew Mrs Fairlie.

2.1Hes an invalid man. He is 55 years old and he has a thin face and pale grey eyes.2.2They are half-sisters.2.3She is Anne Catherick.2.4With a letter from Miss Halcombe's mother.2.5Because Walter remembered the woman in white. Laura was exacly like her.

3.1Because he is falling in love with Laura and she is going to get married with Sir Percival3.2Miss Halcombe thinks the man in the dreams was Sir Percival, because is an accurate description of him.3.3Because... Continuar leyendo "Llibre" »

Jun 10

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2010 (Junio)
The truth about bears
1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) The biologist collected factual information about bears, like the area where
they lived and travelled around.
b) Making close contact with your object of study is normal in scientific
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
a) TRUE: The wildlife biologist, John Rogers, had spent thousands of
hours studying North America's black bears. He shot them with
tranquilisers before fitting them with radio collars. He took their blood
and studied their DNA. And the tracked their movements and marked
them on maps.
b) FALSE: he abandoned scientific detachment and took the controversial
step... Continuar leyendo "Jun 10" »

Dies es sangre

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It has become fashionable in the world today to condemn smoking. However, although I feel that smoking can be harmful, I do not think it should be banned completely.

Let me deal first with the positive side of smoking. First, smoking undoubtedly helps many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. Many people like to smoke before exams or when they are relaxing with friends.

A further point is that governments throughout the world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes. This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals and other public amenities.

The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world, particularly in poorer countries like Zimbabwe or India. Without cigarettes,... Continuar leyendo "Dies es sangre" »

Causas relativas

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Defining Relative Clauses: who(quien) se refiere a personas, which(que) a cosas, whose(cuyo) nunca se puede omitir ni sustituir por that, whom(con el que) se usa detras de las preposiciones pero se suele omitir y pasar la preposicion detras del verbo, what(que) solo se usa cuando el antecedente esta omitido, when(en que) se puede omitir o sustituir por that, where(donde) nunca se omite ni se puede sustituir por that, why(por la que) se puede omitir o sustituir por that. El gerundio: - como sujeto hablando de hechos en general, -complemento de algunos verbos (continue, enjoy, finish, like/dislike, love/hate, miss, prefer, recommend, suggest), - detras de las preposiciones, - detras de estas formas verbales (can´t help, can´t stand, feel like,... Continuar leyendo "Causas relativas" »


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SINONIMOAK:Amapotenkoa:amabitxi/Eseki,zintzilikatu:eskegi/Iritzi,uste:aburu/Ahaztu,ahantzi:atzendu/Mendixka,gailur:muino/Guraizeak,artaziak:aiztur/beharbada,apika:agian/Bidali,helarazi:muturtu/Berritsu,berba-lapiko:hitzontzi/Lurperatu,hilobiratu:ehortzi/Krudel,anker:gupidagabe/Ausart,izukaitz:zangar/Uko egin:arbuiatu/Akuilukada,zirikada:eztenkada/Erran-merran,zeresan,autu-mautu:esames/Laborari:nekazari/Erantzi,larrugorritu:biluzi/Duda-muda:zalantza.ONOMATOPEIAK:zaharraren zaharrez:tirriki-tarraka/Gose garenean:mauka-mauka jaten dugu/Di-da egin behar duzu/Ehiztariak bang-bang/pu-pu egiten du(mina)/Bolo-bolo herri osoan zabaldu zen berria.

Modales y vocabulario

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*Accommodate:alojar,*accommodation:alojamiento,*acquaintance:conocido/a,*adventurous:aventurero,*argue:discutir,*argument:discusión,*arrange:acordar,arreglar,*attraction:atracción,*aware of:csciente de,*background:entorno (social),*break  up:separarse,romper,*broken-hearted:desconsolado/a,abatido/a,*cheerful:alegre,*claim:afirmar,*close friend:amigo íntimo,*compatibility:cmpatibilidad,*compatible:compatible,*confident:seguro d uno mismo,*couple:pareja *curly hair:pelo rizado,*dark hair: pelo oscuro,*dark skin: piel oscura,*darkness:oscuridad,*date:pareja,*decide:decidir,*decision:decisión,*describe:describir,*description: descripción,*divorced:divorciado/a(divorciarse),*doubt:dudar,*energetic:energético,*engaged:

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Presente simple i presente continuo

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presn contin

1.To expres something that we are doing or is happening now.

2.To expres something that we are doing or is happening for a period of time.

3.To express a future arrangement (thyngs that are planed in our diari.)

(+)Subject+verb to be Present+verb in gerund+complements verbo en ing


Past tense


WAS / WERE = Ser o estar en passat ( ESTAVA o ERA ).









( + ) Subject + WAS / WERE + complements

( - ) Subject + WAS / WERE + NOT + complements



( ? ) [ Wh- QUESTIONS ] + WAS / WERE + Subject + complements?