Monte Verità

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Chapter 1
1.What was the relationship between Victor and William? They were fiends who met at school and went to study at the same university
2.What were the contents of Victors letter? He was going to get married with a beautiful girl and he want Victor was his bestman.
3.How did Anna feel about climbing mountains and what was strange about her attitude? Although she was born in the mountains, she doesnt like climbing because mountains are very demanding
Chapter 2
1.What were Williams feelings towards Anna afterher marriage to Victor? He came to love her as much as Victor did.
2.Describe briefly what happened when Victor and Anna climbed Mount Snowdon. Firstly the weather was fine, but then there was a blizzard. Therefore they had to spend a night on the open and Anna dissapeared. Three hours later she came out of the mistand she hadnt any damage
Chapert 3
1.What does the name Monte Verità mean and why do you think Anna chose go to go there? Monte Verità means The Mountain of Truth Anna chose to go there because it had beautiful name
2.What had happened to Victor? He was terribly ill in a clinic
3.Why was Victor certain Anna would never come back? Because there was a closed sect in Monte Verità she was with them
Chapter 4
1.How did the villagers react when they saw Anna? Why? They looked terrified and ran to their houses with their children. Because they tohught that she was from Monte Verità
2.Why did the old man warn Victor not to take Anna up the mountain? Because there was a sect that had a great power and they always fear for this young girls and their women in the village
3.What happened to Anna? Next morning when Victor woke up, she had gone
Chapter 5
1.What do we learn about the people who live at the top of the mountain? They are sect and that get their power from the moon, wich they worship
2.Describe what was at the top of the mountain. There was a monastery, built out of the rock between two pecks. A high rock wall enclosed it, going down 300 metres to the next ridge, and above it, nothing but the sky
Chapter 6
1.What happened to William on the third day? He wrote up and saw Anna at the rockface, she was standing in front of the wall looking towards him
2.How had Anna changed when Victor saw her? She was wearing a kind of long write robe, toher feet, she had a belt made of beautifilly shaped stones round her waist. She didnt have anything on her feet and her hair was vut very short
3.What did Victor promise Anna? That he would return there every year at that time, and ask her to come home with him.
Chapter 7
1.How did Victor and Anna communicate? Victor sent her a better and next day were a stone wtih a few words written on it
2.What was William doing in the area of Monte Verità? They was fighting in the World War II and had to make an emergency landing in Monte Verità
Chapter 8
1.What happened whe William reached the village? He found a small house where there was an ill man who was his friend Victor
2.What did Victor want William to do? He wanted to Monte Verità and warned Anna
Chaper 9
1.What did William see shortly after he reached the tunnel? He saw the twin peaks under the moon and there were figures standing one next to the other on the wall. They all raised their arms, and slowly a murmur came from them
2.What happened when William put the letter on the ground? Arms streched at and grabbed him. He last his consciousnes
Chapter 10
1.What offer did William make to Anna and why? To live with him in a safer place because her community was in danger
2.Explain what had happened to Annas face. One side of her face had been eaten away, damaged terribly by leprosy. The disease was on her forehead, her cheek, her troath and her skin. The eyes were blackneed, sunk deep into their sockets
3.Why did Anna want William to lie to Victor? Because she wanted Victor to keep his dream.

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