Vocabulario unidad

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by heart - de memoria; thrill - emoción; arranged - preparar; deliver - traer a domicilio; alief - alivio; guest - invitado; made sure - asegurarse; checked - comprobado; courage - valor; hesitated - dudar/vacilar; middle age - de media edad; shake - temblar; switched on - encendido; breathing - respirar; pointing - señalar; glad - contento; warned - advertir;

living on the edge, being constantly situation - vivir al limite; a close call, a very dangerous situation - salvarse por poco; ocupational hazard, work -related danger - gages de trabajo; seriously injured, badly hurt - gravemente herido; lucky to be alive, fortunate that they hadn't died - suerte de seguir vivo; risked his life, put himself in danger - arriesgar la vida

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