Uso del want

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Uso del want - querer.                                                     to write: ecsribir.                           hungry: ambriento

Peter want an pizza .                                                        to eat: comer .                                 thirsty: sediento

Peter want to eat an pizza .                                             to drink: beber.                               tired: cansado

Susan want a orange juice .                                            to study : estudiar .                        angri: molesto

Susan want to drink a orange juice .                             to be: querer o ser .                        busy: ocupado

                                                                                               to cry: llorar .                                  glad: contento

                                    Tina want an apple .                                                                                 sad: triste

                                    Tina want to eat an apple .                                                                     Any : nada , ninguna.

                                    Tina does not want to eat an apple.                                                     Some : algo , alguna.

                                    positiva:does tina want to eat an  apple.


what does martha want tobe?

Martha want tobe dentis.

the child is sad ? /el niño esta triste .

the child want to cry /el niño quiere llorar .

Does tin want a soda ?

no , tin does not want any soda .

he want some orange .

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