Toxic friends reading comprehensión

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1.The island of Borneo…c) is the closest place to Conan Doyle’s 1912 novel.|| 2. WWF scientists on a mission to Borneo … d) found many new species still unknown to science. || 3. Stuart Chapman has argued that
A) species are disappearing as they are discovered by scientists. || 4. According to the text…c) biologists have been fascinated by Borneo for a long time. || 5. The WWF expedition of July 2005 has… a) added the Paedocypris micromegethes to its list of new species. || 6. Mr Chapman has stated that Borneo has around 15.000 plant species, adding that… c) Malaysia and other Asían countries are going to sign an agreement of protection for the región. || 7. Last year the team reported the discovery of a cat-like creature, which… d) appears like a cross between two animals.|| 8. On the whole, the text may be said to argue that Borneo… b) has more species of plants than any other región on the planet. NO LONGER JUST CHILD’S PLAY || 1. In the past decade, the number of people that collect toys...

Has gone up.||

2. Only ONE statement is correct according to the text. Which one?

Some people collect toys to earn money. ||

3. According to the text, who collect the most toys?

Men do. ||

4. According to Hoffman, most collectors are between 35 and 40 because at that age...

They have some free time and can spend money on their own hobbies. ||

5. Which is the most popular toy among women?

Dolls. ||

6. Why do some people prefer open-air markets to the Internet? Because they...

Are meeting places. ||

7. What are the dangers of buying toys on the Internet?

Some toys are fake pieces or are too expensive. ||

8. What is special about the shop in Terrassa Mr. Hoffman talks about? It is the only shop that specialises in Playmobil products.                                        


PART 1: READING Comprehensión || 1. According to the text a .Toxic friend. Is ... c) a friend who can make your life difficult. || 2. .Toxic friend. Is an expression thought up by... c) no one in particular but it.S becoming widely accepted. || 3. Which of these definitions best describes a naysayer? b) A friend who will never be supportive of things we want to do || 4. Christine Northman affirms that we should... c) analyse our relationships with our friends very often. || 5. When treating the .Toxic friend. Problem, counsellors advise us to... d) avoid them from time to time. || 6. Most therapists agree that the .Toxic friend. Problem... d) is easier to solve for men. || 7. A .Crying sister. Could be defined as a person who... c) tires you telling you about her problems. MICHAEL PALIN: THE .TRAVELLING Comedían. || 1. When Michael was a child he.

D. He had no opportunities to travel.||

2. Michael's great- grandfather. A.

Enjoyed traveling as a means of getting away. ||

3. While working as an actor with the Monty Python, Michael traveled a lot but. B.

Didn't have the feeling that he was really travelling. ||

4. According to Michael, being a comedían allows you to c.

Look at the world as an outsider. ||

5. According to Michael, humour is very important when travelling because .

A. It can bring you closer to the people. ||

6. At first Michael was very worried about the round-the-world trip proposed by the BBC because d.

He had to improvise the interviews with the people he met during the trip. ||

7. Michael thinks that our society should.

C. Not impose our way of life on other countries. ||

8. According to Michael a lesson to be learnt from the poorest people is that . A.

We produce too much waste because we have much more than we need

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