Tiempos verbales en inglés más expresiones de tiempo
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PrS -s don't doesn't/ always usually often sometimes seldom never, at 1 oclock in the mornin on fridays every week onde a month how often
PRC am/is/are -ing / now righ now at the moment, this year at present today these days this month, this evening tonight tomorroz next friday
PS -ed o 2da col, didn't/ yesterday, last week, two days ago, in 2007, in the 1890s, in the 18th century, when, then
PC was were -inf/ last night, at 4 oclock
Past Perfect S had -ed 2da col/ already, by the time, after, before, until, never, just
Present Perfect S have has -ed 3da col/ never, ever, already, just, yet, recently, how long, for, since, in recent years
FS will/ this evening, in an hour, at 2 oclock, later, tomorrow, next month, in a few weeks, in the future, on the 1st of May
Be going to am/is/are going to infinitivo/ this evening, later, in an hour, at 4 oclock, tomorrow, soon, next month, on the 8th of May
F Perfect S will have -ed 3ra col/ by this time next week, by 3 oclock, bu the end of..., by then, by Agust, in four months
FC will be -ing/ at this time tomorrow, at this time next ..., on thursday, in the next decade