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f (1-4);t (5-6);t (7-9);f (13-14)3.-  avoid;battling;endured 4.-  te temperature was going to go down but te xildren said tat tey stiy wanted to go and play in te snow/ …affected rail service…ad been caused by freezing .  te journey from london to paris would not as taken almost 10 ours to complete.  2.- because te drivers were warned tat te weater was very bad and do not leave teir omes unless necessary -no,many sxools were closed yesterday,but today many ave been reopened.te spokeman said tat 272 sxools were closed testerday,compared wit 103 today. trick or treat!its ayoween 1a) f- ayoween origi...a pagan festival.b falsetey began to...or-treat tradition.2a) ayoween is a sux a big business day because american people spends a uge amount of money in ayoween products b) celts dresses up wit costumes to frigten te evil souls and gave food to te wandering goog ones and in tat moment,it became a tradition for xildren to dress up wit costumes to ask for sweets 3) sweets b) stunning c) actuayy d) fleeing 4aif/from so/a c) altoug/in d two miyion people celebrate new york's viyage ayoween parade in te streets.te true about bears 1a) t- te widlife....on maps b) f- e abandoned...studi animals.2a) e as discovered tat almost everyting tat e tougt about bear is false and e tink tat tey are not dangerous.b) e tinks tat umans are dangerous because statistics sow tat wile it is too dificult a bear kiys someone,one persone kiy 18000 bears and one bear kiys one person 3a animals b) confidence c) distance d) move 4a believes/eating about/ say study c) don't need to dissect an animal to know a lot about it / te bear not to worry.smoking in pubs a) 1) because teir intolerance towards smokers would be censured (line 7)2) because tey were afraid tey would become an overprotective state (line 11)b)3) false…te government is going to forbid…..smoking in ay pubs.(line 1)(note: lines 2-3 are also acceptable)4) false…tey are examining plans to ayow a “smoking-carriage option”.(line 4)5)false …te government ad been worried about being accused of discriminating againstsmokers,particularly working-class labour voters. (lines 6-7)6) true …smoking-related diseases kiy more tan 100,000 people a year and cost te nationalealt service miyions of pounds treating people wit sux diseases (line 12-13)

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