Superlativos, Comparativos y P.P
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Your sister is smaller than you. Tu hermana es mas baja que vos.
The wather in Cancun is hotter than the wather in northern Canada.
Argentina is richer than Bolivia.
The Golden... is more crowded than the,,,,,
Carnival in... is more famous than carnival...
You are the tallest in your family. Sos el más alto en tu familia.
De la plata river is the most imposrant of the three, of all, around the world.
Punta cana is the most famous of the
Persona+auxiliar+verbo [hay que fijarse en la persona]
he, she, it van con el auxiliar has
I, they, we, you van con have
Si el verbo es irregular cambia tipo go se convierte en gone
Si el verbo es regular solo se le agrega ed al final ej. phone phoned
Si es pregunta cambia el orden: auxiliar+persona+verbo
tercer columna de la lista.