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One day a truck stopped at a traffic light on the street where they lived Wallace and Gromit and the truck let out a small sheep and the driver noticed he had come and sign in the door. Wallace and Gromit were working on a cleaner company. Wallace invented a machine to get dressed and get to the kitchen and another to make porridge. The sheep came into the house began to bite everything he found and bit the wires of the machine jam and broke. Wendolin call Wallace and Gromit to clean his glasses and Wendolin Wallace fell in love with her and is talking in the shop while cleaning the glass Gromit. Preston Wendolin was the dog that was an invention of his father to let him die at Preston and the shop. They were sheep thieves who used to make dog food. Gromit entered the house to retrieve Preston Shaun the sheep and found a small truck full of sheep and thought that Preston was the murderer of the sheep and tried to free them but remained locked in the truck and went home sheep Wallace . Preston made people believe that Gromit was the murderer of the sheep and went to the police who arrested Gromit. The sheep, Shaun and Wallace were to get out of jail Gromit took him through the window of his cell.

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