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SMART SHOES : FALSE the expression square-eyes has long been a tern associated with sedentary… TRUE Some researchers believe the invented is at the…//the microchip in the shoes sends information about the of steps or the person who is wearing them, to another microchip set on the TV. If the person has stepped 12000steps, he or she can be watching TV during 2 hour, and when there are reached, the microchip automatically switch the television off. - Just a square-Eye of 2 TV hours may produce that the family could be aware of their sedentary life and the changes they should do.// a)concerns b)expired c)device d)bring about.// easiest, from, which, of, has increased, watching, tries, spent.COMPULSIVE SHOPPING : FALSE men are just as likely as women to suffer from compulsive buying. - FALSE for any compulsive shopper who is usually not made any happier by his or her relentless bulling.//It could be a person who often buys some objects which are not necessary at all for him or her, without thinking previously about it. - Men usually acquire electronic gadgets while women mostly buy things to improve their physical appearance, as clothing or makeup.// a)extent b)rocketed c)trends d)seeking// be experience, in, being admitted, for, who, than, yesterday the salesman said to me not to pay in that moment.THE TRAVEL OF MARCO POLO : FALSE the travel of Marco polo was a book conceived.. - FALSE munch of what Polo wrote, regarded with suspicion..//European people in Middle Ages suffered of corrupt politicians, epidemic illnesses, such as the Black Death, wars and hunger, besides living without any king of hygiene. - Because his attitude was a very good example of understanding cultures and customs so different as the ones he had in that moment and to live among other races and respecting all them.// a)account b)grim c)alien d)prevalent.// who, was, was governed, ruled, with, whose, he had only told half of what he had seen.

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