Relativos y condicionales
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i work | i worked |
i am working | i was working |
i worked | i had worked |
i was working | igual |
i have worked | i had worked |
i have been working | i had been working |
i had worked | igual |
i had been working | igual |
i am going to | i was going to |
we are going to | we were going to |
i will work | i would work |
can | could |
could | igual |
may | might |
might | igual |
must | had to/ would have to |
must not | wasn't to/ weren't to |
needn't | didn't have to /wouldn't have to |
has/have to | had to |
had to | had had to |
should | igual |
has had | had had | | was .ing |
likes | did |
now (ahora) | at the time ( en ese momento) |
this morning | that morning |
yesterday | the day before |
tomorrow | the day after |
next week | the following week |
last year | the year before |
here (aqui) | there (alli) |
who-that --personas
which-that --cosas
whose --posesion
when --tiempo
where --lugar
EXPLICATIVAS: =,mediante comas y sin el that.
1º puede cumplirse: if + present simple +
2º dificil cumplirse: if + past simple + would/could/might + form base. (PAST SIMPLE: V-ED. NEG. DIDN'T + V.NORMAL)
3º imposible: if + past perfect + would/could/micht + have + v.3º colum (PAST PERFECT: had +v.ed)
activa | pasiva |
lay | are laid |
is laying | is being laid |
has laid | has been laid |
laid | was laid |
was laying | was being laid |
had laid | had been laid |
will lay | will be laid |
will have laid | will have been laid |
is going to lay | is going to be laid |
can lay | can be laid |
need to lay | need to be laid |