Redaccions temes 1,2,3
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Jordi Oliveras
Dear Fran,
Thanks for your last letter. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t write you before because I’ve been very busy.
Are you enjoying the summer? As you may know, I’m in Berlin on holidays until the 9th of September, doing a German course at the Berlin’s biggest university. I’m staying here with a friend I met last summer in Roses, he is very friendly and he loves jokes, like me, and we are having a very good time
together. In spite of it, I miss you and all our friends.
I met a girl called Ava and I told her things about you, she is very interested in meeting you! She is visiting Barcelona in October, so you could meet there.
I’m getting back next Sunday and I think we could meet on Monday, are you able to come to Olot? I’ve a lot of things to tell you and some photos I’ve taken.
Best wishes.Jordi
Dear Fran,
Thanks for your last letter. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t write you before because I’ve been very busy.
Are you enjoying the summer? As you may know, I’m in Berlin on holidays until the 9th of September, doing a German course at the Berlin’s biggest university. I’m staying here with a friend I met last summer in Roses, he is very friendly and he loves jokes, like me, and we are having a very good time
together. In spite of it, I miss you and all our friends.
I met a girl called Ava and I told her things about you, she is very interested in meeting you! She is visiting Barcelona in October, so you could meet there.
I’m getting back next Sunday and I think we could meet on Monday, are you able to come to Olot? I’ve a lot of things to tell you and some photos I’ve taken.
Best wishes.Jordi