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Nowadays a lot of people think that being famous is very easy. Only you have to take part in a competition on TV. / On the one hand, celebrities have everything they want, because they make a lot of money. They have expensive cars, big houses... Also the famous people pueden help other persons by taking in a programmes fot the poor people in the world. Their income is so high that even being an old person they will live well, therefore celebrities don't have to worry about the future. Famous people are admired and loved by people and they have many fans. They are invited to the best parties and meet other celebrities. / On the other hand celebrities haven't privacy. They are follawed by paparazzi who usually take photos in the most unexpected moment. Moreover, fame brngf a lot of stress, for example they travel all day around the world. / In conclusion I think that being famous is not good, you have stress and you haven't a private life. Yoy must think if you want to take port in this public world.

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