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First of all: what is Dark Tourism?*D.T is tourism involving travel to sites associated with death and tragedy; it has nothing to do with mental problems.*Million travelers worldwide can feel the urge to visit certain places: cementeries, a museum of horror, an extermination camp, the scene of a battle...*But, what moves man to face death? According to the experts this arises from the human need to look face to face with death.*D.T has some advantages and disadvantages:*On the one hand, the disadvantages; visiting places where people have died is a bit macabre, also D.T can cause stress or any trauma because of those sites symbolize, futhermore these sites aren't good for traveling with children...*On the other hand: the advantages; D.T can help people not make the same mistakes for which these sites are now"special", also the tourists contribute with money to the places they visit, mostly poor sites...* In my opinion, D.T is good for people to realize the great faults we have committed over the years that have killed many innocent people, for earthly matters, simply because of the "thirst of power" or human error.