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Normally I dream very much, can manage to have three dreams in night. Anyhow rarely I remember the dreams of the previous night.

I will tell a very curious dream that I dream constant. I am in the habit of dreaming that I study in a boarding school, where the boys are really strange. The rooms were in the mountain, just person opposite the college, that a few beautiful sights to a great lake. In this mountain live a dragoon, and the students have dying day after day, always I was touching the room 121, I dont know the reason. I saw one of the nights to the dragoon looked out of the window of my room, when I was telling it to the director not belive me. The worse of the dream is that in the end I have an accident, with a bus.

What me pleases the dreams is that always they have a secret meaning and whenever I remember someone on the following morning I look at his meaning in a book specializing in dreams. What me pleases the dreams is that always they have a secret meaning

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