Primer examen

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////Present-i drink tea for breakfast (do you?/don't) Present Con-I'm explaining the verbal tenses(estoy explicando) (are you?/aren't) Present Perf-I've drunk a lot of milk(yo he bebido)(haven't/have you?) Pasat- +ed (didn't/did you?) Past Con-I was explaining the verbal ..(estaba explicando)(wasn't/were you?) Past Perf-I had drunk a beer before..(habia bebido)(hadn't/had you?)Futur-I will drink(yo bebere)(won't/will you?)//////// Condiciolans:1(realidad)-if you go to the theatre,you will see J.Carles(1r verb en present i dps en futur)// 2(poc provable)- if i won the lottery,i would travel to the alps(1r verb en passat i dps would+verb infinitiu) //3(impossible)-if i gad studie hard, i would have passed the exam(had+participi i dps would have+ participi)   //////////Why is ”the big bottle” an informal party? (Give two reasons)  BECAUSE IT IS SPONTANEOUS, AND PEOPLE MEET AND DRINK IN THE STREETS. 2) How do these parties affect residents? (Name two ways) RESIDENTS ARE AFFECTED IN TWO WAYS: THEY CANNOT SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT BECAUSE OF THE NOISE AND THEY FIND THE STREETS LITTERED WITH RUBBISH EARLY IN THE MORNING. b)  3) Local authorities think very favorably of “the big bottle”. FALSE: ”THE BIG BOTTLE” IS PERCEIVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AS A SOCIAL PROBLEM 4) Drinking parties of this type have been organized by Spanish cities for many years.FALSE: NOW IT HAS BECOME FASHIONABLE TO COMPETE FOR THE BIGGEST NATIONAL DRINKING PARTY … BY ORGANIZING THE LARGEST GATHERING. 5) The Police are afraid teenagers will become violent.  FALSE.  CITY COUNCILS ARE VERY CAUTIOUS ABOUT CALLING IN THE POLICE FOR FEAR THAT DRUNKEN YOUTHS WILL TURN TO VIOLENCE.  6) There is a single policy regarding “the big bottle” in Spain.  FALSE.  ACROSS SPAIN, REGIONAL AUTHORITIES HAVE SET DIFFERENT MINIMUM AGES TO BUY ALCOHOL.  //Redaccio: Binge drinking is a very typical practice nowadays. Teenagers love this kind of activity, which consist of drinking a lot with the mere purpose of getting drunk. People who practice it meet in outdoor public places and can drink five or even more drinks just for fun. The problem is that they are not completely aware of its consequences. I have to admit that I have recently taken part in a binge drinking party. I would like to say that I enjoyed myself a lot because I didn’t drink too much, so I was always conscious and I had a good laugh. However, the hangover that I had the day after was so bad that I swore to myself that I would never drink alcohol again. In my opinion, having fun is something necessary in life, but in order to enjoy yourself you don’t need to harm your body or other people’s feelings. So I would never recommend binge drinking to anyone, what is more, I think that it should be banned and teenagers who do I should be seriously warned about the damage it can cause.




Pasiva: El CD pasa a ser el sujeto de la oración. Además, si se tiene q especificar la persona lo pondremos detrás con un by. study-- are studied//studied--were studied //Will study-- will be studied //Should study-- should be studied// Is studying-- are being studied//Was studying-- were being studied//Has studied-- have been studied//Had studied-- had been studied///Must have studied-- must have been studied//Has to study --have to be studied//Is going to study --are going to be studied//Modals: * Can (poder, saber, conocer): I can speak 5 languages.* Could (podríaàcondicional, sabiaàpasado): She Could read when she was 5.* Must /mustn’t(deber àpresente): you must arrive on time* Had to / didn’t have to (tuve que à pasado): I had to work on Sunday. I didn’t have to pay, it was free.* Should/ought to (el ought to casi no se utiliza solo por interrogativas y negativas) (deberia): you should eat more fruit* Need/ needn’t (necesitar): You needn’t go to shop.* Be able to (ser capaz de): You will be able to get tickets to the concert if you arrive at the box office early.* May/ might (puede): she may help me. he might be at home:el podria estar en casa. He may be at home: el puede estar en casa.///Condicionales: - 1 condicional: If + presente simple + will/won’t: If I get to work late again, I will lose my job.//* 2 condicional: If + pasado simple + would/wouldn’t: If Sergio wanted to be healthy, he wouldn’t smoke.//* 3 condicional: If + pasado perfecto + would have: you would have learnt to play the guitar sooner if you had taken classes.//Reported speech: Statements (afirmacio, V. to say i to tell) He said that Valdes was the best goal keeper.Questions ( pregunta, V. to ask, want to know, to wonder + if) He asked me if I had 50€.Orders (ordre, order, warn) He ordered me to stop smoking.Suggestion (sugerir, suggest, to advise) He suggested to have dinner together.//Si el directe esta amb present passa a passat(+ed), si esta en passat passa a past perfect(had)//Modal: Can-Could//May-might//must-had to//will-would// Dsp d’un modal el verb va en infinitiu.Expresions temporal: Now-then/today-that day/yesterday-the day before/tomorrow-the next day/here-there/this-that/these-those.Exemples: Will you marry me? ->She asked me if I would marry her//I think I may go to Palma -> He said that he throught might go to palma//I think I must go to the toilet now ->She said that she through she must go to the toilet then.

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