Presente perfecto

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Present perfect simple = has/have become. Present perf continuous = has/have been cooking. Past perf simple = had fallen. Past perf continuos = had been living. Condicionales: 1)If we dont take.. nothing will change. 2)If I were.. I would + infinitivo. 3)If he hadn't gone... he wouldn't have + participio. Whises: 1)Wish + past simple/past continuous = cambios en el presente. 2)Wish + past perft = lamentos en el pasado. 3)Wish + would + verbo = situacion. Relativos: which, that, who, whose, when. Defining: informacion sencial (Se omite si no es el SN). Non defining: informacion extra, no se utiliza that, no se puede omitir. Reported speech: Presente simple -> pasado simple. Present continuo -> pasado continuo. Present perfect simple(I have waited) -> past perfect simple(I had waited). Pasado simple -> past perfect simple(I had waited). past perfect simple -> past perfect simple. Will -> would. Can -> Could. Must -> had to

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