Present perfect

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el presente perfecto (present perfect) :
uso: este tiempo verbal se usa para hablar de cosas que comenzaron en el pasado y que continuan en el presente.
Use: This tense is used to talk about things that began in the past and continue in the present.

forma: este tiempo verbal se forma con;
1-un verbo auxiliar have y has (en tercera persona), se traduce como haber.
2-un verbo principal conjugado en participio pasado (past simple).
form : this tense is formed with;
1-a verb and you have assistant (third party), translates as having.
2-main conjugate a verb in past participle (simple past).
1- I have studied in this school since 2007
have: aux. verb
studied: main verb participle

2-she has forgiven me
has: aux. verb (en 3era persna)
forgiven: main verb participle

ever:siempre, alguna vez

present simple: I come every day
she : comes every day

present continuous: I am buying now
am: tobe - ing: gerundio
you are buying n ow
she is buying now

past simple: I chose this school yesterday
chose: past simple last week
last mont
last year

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