Phrasal verbs
Enviado por Programa Chuletas y clasificado en Inglés
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- STAND FOR Represent, Mean
(TV) Significar, Querer decir
- STAND OUT Be conspicuous, Be prominent
(IV) Destacar(se)
- STAND UP FOR Defend, Support
(TV) Defender, Apoyar
- TAKE AFTER Resemble, Behave like
(TV) Parecerse a, Salir a (persona)
- TAKE AWAY Remove, Substract
(TV sep) Quitar, Restar
- TAKE DOWN Record, Write down
(TV sep) Anotar, Copiar
- TAKE IN a) Understand
(TV sep) Entender, Comprender
- TAKE IN Cover, Comprise
(IV) Abarcar, Comprender
- TAKE OFF (Of a plane) Leave the ground
(IV) Despegar (avión)
- TAKE OFF a) Remove
(TV sep) Quitarse (ropa)
b) Deduct
Descontar, Rebajar
c) Mimic, Imitate
- TAKE OVER Assume control of
(TV) Tomar posesión de, Tomar el poder
- TAKE TO a) Become fond of, Like
(TV) Tomar cariño a, Gustar
b) Seek refuge in
Refugiarse en, Recurrir a
c) Get into the habit of
Aficionarse a
- TAKE UP a) Occupy space or time
(TV) Llevar, Ocupar (tiempo, espacio)
b) Start a new hobby, sport, …
Empezar, Aficionarse a (hobby, deporte, …)
- TAKE UP a) Shorten a garment
(TV sep) Acortar (ropa)
b) Discuss (at a later time)
Debatir (en un momento posterior)
- TALK INTO Persuade
(TV) Convencer
- THINK OVER Consider at length
(TV sep) Considerar, Reflexionar sobre
- TRY ON Put clothes on to see if they fit
(TV sep) Probarse (ropa)
- TURN DOWN a) Refuse, Reject
(TV sep) Rechazar, No aceptar
b) Reduce (volume, temperature)
Bajar (volumen, temperatura)
- TURN INTO Become, Convert into
(TV sep) Transformar(se), Convertir(se)
- TURN OFF Stop the flow of, Switch off
(TV sep) Cerrar (grifo), Apagar
(TV sep) Abrir (grifo), Encender
- TURN UP Appear
(TV) Aparecer
- TURN UP Increase (volume, temperature)
(TV sep) Subir (volumen, temperatura)
- WEAR AWAY Disappear or Become thin through
friction, …
(VT sep) Desgastar(se)
- WEAR DOWN a) Become smaller by use
(TV sep) Gastar(se)
b) Weaken by constant pressure or
Debilitar, Cansar, Agotar
- WEAR OFF Stop having an effect
(IV) Dejar de tener efecto, Cesar
- WEAR OUT Become useless through use or wear
(TV sep) Romper(se), Agotar(se) por el uso
- WORK OUT a) Develop in a certain way
(IV) Salir (según lo esperado), Resultar
b) Train oneself physically
- WORK OUT a) Solve
(TV sep) Resolver, Solucionar
b) Devise, Plan
Elaborar, Idear
- WRITE DOWN Copy, Record
(TV sep) Copiar, Anotar