La pasiva con 'said'

Enviado por Programa Chuletas y clasificado en Inglés

Escrito el en español con un tamaño de 835 bytes

Ejemplos de transformaciones de voz activa a pasiva en el inglés:

she said,"i watch TV every day"=she said she watchesTV every day

she said,"i am watching tv)=she said sge was watching tv

she said,"i have watched tv"=she said she had watched tv

she said,"i watched tv"=she said she had watched tv

she said,"i will watch tv"=she said she would watch tv

she said,"i am going to watch tv"=she said she was going to watch tv

she said,"i can watch"=she said she could watch tv

she said,"i may watch tv"=she said she might watch tv

she said,"i might watch tv"=she said she might watch tv

she said,"must watch tv"=she said she had to watch tv

she said,"have to watch tv"=she said she had to watch tv

she said,"i ought to watch tv"=she said she ought to watch tv

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