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The arms trade is a serious problem. It's caused by mafias are comerciting with the government of the world. If we continue to traffic of arms the wolrd would have more problems and atentations.

We're organising a day of action to bring people's attention to this problem. There are going to be two groups. The first group is going to give out leaflets in town. The second group is going to send emails to the governments of countries around the world. The emails will ask them to reduce the traffic.

The day of action will take place on Monday 12th September. Group 1 will meet at the supermarket at two o'clock. Groups 2 will meet outside the school at the same time. Please come and join us!

If I had €150.000 and I couldn't spend it on myself, I know exactly what I'd do. First of all, I'd buy a scooter for my friend Maria. Her scooter is really old and often breaks down. I'd buy a Vespa because she likes modern scooters.

Nexy, I'd buy my boyfriend a really fantastic car. I'd buy a car. I'd buy a Camaro 1969 because he likes vintage cars an he'd be very happy to see him. 

The third thing I'd do is pay for all my friends to spend a day at a other city. I'd give them lots of money to spend there, so that they could go on as many rides as they liked, and eat as much as ther liked.

Finally, to help homeless people in my city, I'd donate some money to a charity that helps people who live under bridges.

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