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Many people think that environment it polluting, because people throw a lot of sweepings.
I think that it is truth but I think that other people try do not pollute more, and try help to the environment used products that not polluted, and too recycling all of it is possible.
In Spain more people try help to the environment, they want join strengths for can obtain this aim. One of a lot of groups is Green Peace, they help to the environment having that, trees and animals are good, they love the environment.
Finally, I am going to say that if we want save the environment only we have to do some things like; to recycle, to save and the more important, thinking that we can do it.

Nowadays, many people have mobile phones. They are becoming a necessary and integral part of everyone's life, from housewives to businesspeople.

There are many advantages to having a mobile phone. As long as your phone is connected, anyone can reach you anywhere and at any time. In addiction, mobile phones are quite handly in emergency situations such as when your car breaks down or you have to call the police in a hurry.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to mobile phones. Talking on the phone in cars can be very dangerous. Moreover, scientific studies have shown that excessive use of mobile phones can cause health problems.

I think that in the long run, the disadvantages of mobile phones are more convincing than advantages, since they can cause health problems and over-dependence on devices. That's why we should think twice before we buy a mobile phone.

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