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present simple:hablar de acciones habituales,hechos generales,stative verbs. present continuous.decir lo q sta pasando en el momento d ablar. past simple:hblar de acciones ocurridas en 1 momento concreto dl pasado. past continuous:decir lo q stava ocurriendo en 1 momento concreto dl pasado,contar q algo stava ocurriendo cuando paso otra cosa.was/were+ing pas perfect simple:indica que 1 accion ocurrio antes q otra,la cual va en past simple.had+participio present perfect simple:hablar de acciones q empezaron en pasado y continuan en presente.have/has+participio future simple:anunciar hechos futuros.will+forma base. be going to:expersar intenciones sobre un futuro cercano,indicar q algo esta a punto de ocurrir.be going to+forma base future perfect:indicar q 1 accion habra terminado en 1 momento concreto dl futuro.will+have+participio. future continuous:se utiliza para expresar lo q stara ocurriendo en 1 momento determinado dl futuro.will+be+ing condicionals:1:if/unless+present simple-future simple/may/might. 2:if/unless+past simple-could/could/might+base form. 3:if/unless+past perfect-would have/could/might have+past participe. active-pasive:present simple-are+participio. past simple-were. future simple-will be. modals- should be. present continuous-are being. past continuous-were being. present perfect simple-have been. past perfect simple-had been. modal perfect- must have been. have to-have to be. be going to-are going to be. reported speech:present simple-past simple. past simple-past perfect simple.future simple-would base form.present continuous-past continuous.past continuous-had been ing.present perfect simple-past perfect simple.present perfet continuous-had been ing.past perfect simple-past perfect simple.past perfect continuous-had been ing. now-then.today-that day.tonight-that night.yesterday-previus.last week-the previous week.a month ago-the previous month.tomorrow the following day.next week-the following week.here-there.this-that.these-those.can-could.may-might.must/have to-must/had to.will-would.

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