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1 What is the basic difference between pictograms and ideograms?Pictograms represnts pictures in a coherent way.Ideograms represents ideas about the picture and it could be more abstract,more conceptual.The difference is the relationship between the symbol and the entity it represents.
2 What is the basic difference between a logographic writing system and a phonographic writing system?In the logograpchi system,symbols represents words and in the phonograpchi system a symbols represents sounds.
3 What happens in the process known as rebus writing?In this process uses symbols to represents sounds of a spoken word
4 Which modern language has a (partially) syllabic writing system?Japanese
5 What is the name given to the writing system used for Russian?The Cyrillic alphabet is the basis of the writing system used in Russia today.
6 Where will you find the writing system with the longest history of continuous use?Chinese writing system


he symbol that is used for the pronunciation of parts of a word represents a combination (ba) of a consonant sound (b) and a vowel sound(a). This combination is one type of syllable. When a writing system employs a set of symbols each one representing the pronunciation of a syllable, it is described as syllabic writing.
There are no purely syllabic writing systems in use today, but modern Japanese
can be written with a set of single symbols representing spoken syllables and is
consequently often described as having a (partially)
syllabic writing system, or asyllabary.
An alphabet is essentially a set of written symbols, each one representing a single type of

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