Ingles libro the fantome of the opera
chapter 1
1.what was the opera house like?
it was an enormous building with hundreds of rooms, doors and staircases.
2.why did people think there was a ghost in the opera house?
because accidents ocurred
3.what did the ghost have in the opera house?
he had a private box.
chapter 2
1.monsieur polingny showed the new managers a letter. what did the letter say?
the letter say that box five must be empty for the opera Ghost for every perfomance.
chapter 3
1.what did the new managers think about the first letter they both received from the opera ghost?
it was a trick by debbiene and poligny.
2.why did people in the audience get angry and call the police?
because there was a a lot of noise in the box.
3.what did the ghost give madame giry at the end of a perfomance?
the ghost gave M.G. two francs, sometimes more and english sweets.
chapter 4
1.why did Raoul decided to go to pellon?
Raoul decided to go to pellon because Christine went to his father's tomb
2.who did raoul see when he loocked out of the windows in the middle of the night?
raul saw Ch. go to the church.
chapter 5
1.what will the ghost do if the managers take no notice of his conditions?
the ghost will put a course on the theatre.
chapter 6
1.what did raoul wear when he went to the ball?
he wore a white costume and a mask.
2.where did raoul hide when he entered Ch's dressing room?
Raoul hide behind a courtain.
chapter 7
1.why did raoul go to Ch's home?
Raoul went to Ch's home because he was very worried about her.
chapter 8
1.How often did Raoul and Ch. meet after Raoul said he was going to the north pole?
they meet every day in C.'s room.
2.what did raoul want to see?
raoul wanted to see the lower part of the opera.
chapter 9.
1.where did the opera house take Ch.?
the O. ghost toke Ch to the undergrownd.
2.who is both the opera house and the Angel of music?
The O.G. and the A.of M. were the same person: Erik.
3.why does erik teell C. that he cannot let her go after seeing his face?
Because he was very ugly and he was afraid that she wouldn't return to him.
4.who does christine love, erik or raoul?
Ch. loves raoul.
chapter 10
1.what did raoul see in the dark?Raoul saw two strange eyes in the dark.
Chapter 11
1.what happened when the stage went dark?
When the stage went dark C. wasnt there
2.what did raoul feel when he entered the managers office?
Raoul felt a hand on his shoulder
Chapter 12
1.What did the police inspector thing about Cs disappearance?
The police inspector thought that raouls brother has taken Ch.
Chapter 13
1.Why does erik hate people?
He hates people because they are frightened to him.
2.what did the Persian give raoul?
He gave one of the pistols
Chapter 14
1.Why cant raoul and the Persian enter the room where C. is?
Because the door was closed
2. why cant Chr. Ger to the door and open it?
Because C. was tied up
Chapter 15
1.What did raoul and the Persian see at the bottom of stairs?
They saw barrels
2. what was inside the barrels?
Inside de barrels was gunpowder
3.what was the gunpowder in the barrels for?
The gunpower was to blow up the opera House.
Chapter 16 did count Philippe die?
C.philippe was filled by erik
2.why didnt erik kill the Persian an raoul?
Because erik wanted C. be happy with raoul.
3.what did erik decide to do at the end of the history
Erik decided to let C. marry with Raoul.
4.the message said: -ERIK IS DEAD