Inglés la voz pasiva
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La voz pasiva | ||
Tense | Active | Pasive |
The Singer writes many songs | Many songs are written by this singer | |
The Singer wrote “ “ | Many songs were written “ “ | |
Future simple | The Singer will write “ “ | Many songs will be written “ ” |
Present continous | The Singer is writing “ “ | Many songs are being written “ ” |
Past continous | The Singer was writing “ “ | Many songs were being written “ ” |
The Singer has written “ “ | Many songs have been written “ “ | |
The Singer had written “ “ | Many songs had been written “ “ | |
Modals | The Singer should write “ “ | Many songs should be written “ “ |
Modal perfects | The Singer must have written“ | Many songs must have been written |
Have to | The Singer has to write “ “ | Many songs have to be written “ “ |
Be going to | The Singer is going to write “ “ | Many songs are going to be written “ |
¿Como pasar una oración a pasiva?: * Poner el verbo yo be en el mismo tiempo que tenia el verbo principal en voz activa * Poner como sujeto el primer complemento que haya detrás del verbo en activa * Si el complemento indirecto es un pronombre, hay que cambiarlo a la forma de sujeto (suelen ser verbos como: give, show, tell, ask, offer, pay, promise, lend, sell, send) * Pasar el sujeto de la oración activa al final de la pasiva precedido de by, si es un pronombre personal cambiarlo por su forma de objeto (he, him). * Los modales y los be going to no cambian, es el verbo que los sigue el que se pone en voz pasiva (be + participio.)
It is said that/ (he) is said to: con verbos como say, think, belive, know o report, y consider (2ª) es posible usar dos formas de pasiva: * Construcción impersonal con it y luego la oración con that, sujeto y verbo (it is said that Juan is…) * Se pone primero la persona de la que se habla, así, sujeto + uno de estos verbos en pasiva + un infinitivo
Have/get + something + done: Los verbos have y get + un sustantivo + un participio expresan acciones que encargamos a alguien.
Collocations: * Go bald: caerse el pelo * Go broke: arruinarse * go mad: volverse loco * have a go at: intentar, probar * (be) on the go: estar active, en movimiento.
* See (someone) into: acompañar a alguien hasta la entrada* (See someone) off: despedir a alguien * See (someone) out: acompañar a alguien hasta la salida * See throught (someone): calar, verle el plumero a alguien * See to: encargarse de, atender a * Turn away: apartarse, alejarse/ negar la entrada * Turn in: acostarse / delatar * Turn into: convertirse en * Turn on: atacar/ encender la radio * Turn out: salir, resultar (bien, mal) * Turn round/ around: darse la vuelta * Turn up: llegar, aparecer, presentarse
First conditional | ||
Conditional clause | Result clause | Examples |
If / unless + Present simple | Future simple / may-might + base form imperative | If you study, something practical, you will have a profesion. You will meet a lot of people if you go to university. If she is free tomorrow, she may/ might want to come with us. Look for a summer job unless you want to travel abroad. |
Second conditional | ||
If / unless + Past simple | Would / could- might + base form | If I had the opportunity, I would become an engineer. I could-might visit London if my friends were there. |
Third conditional | ||
If / unless + Past perfect | Would have / could- might have + Past participle | If you had listened to me, this wouldn,t have happened. He could - might have estudied at university if he he wanted to. |
Primer condicional: Se forma con if + Present simple en la condición, y futuro con will en el resultado. Expresa lo que ocurrirá, cumple la condición señalada. Si el futuro es un resultado se puede poner may y might o el verbo en imperativo. En negativo se pone unless en vez de if not. “He won´t believe anything unless we prove its true”.
Segundo condicional: Se forma con if + Past Simple en la condición, y would + el verbo en la forma base en el resultado. La condición se refiere al presente pero es hipotética, (poco probable). Si el verbo de la condición es to be, se suele utilizar were en todas las personas del singular y del plural “If that camera weren’t so expensive, I would buy it”. Siempre se usa were con el pronombre I (damos un consejo). Se puede usar también could y might (para muy poca probabilidad)
Tercer condicional: Se forma con if +Past perfect en la condición y would have + participio en el resultado. En este caso se refiere a una hipótesis que ya no puede realizarse. “You would have learnt to play the guitar sooner if you had taken classes.” Las variantes del tercer condicional son los modales perfectos could have y might have + participio “if we have bought the tickets on time, we could- might have gone to the cinema”
Las oraciones temporales: Las referidas al future se forman con las del primer condicional: Present simple en la proposición subordinada y futuro con will en la principal. Lo que cambian son las conjunciones, que en este caso son when, by the time, as soon as.
Las oraciones desiderativas | ||
Form | Uses | Examples |
Wish/ if only +Past simple | Refers to a present situation that the speaker is unhappy about | If only I had a computer. He wishes his friends were here now. |
Wish/ if only + Past perfect | Expresess regret about a past action or situation | If only I hadn’t lost my mobile phone¡. I wish he had called me. |
Wish + could / would + base form | Expresses a desire for something to happen in the future. | I wish I could go to university. I like jack so much. If only he would call me¡. |
Las oraciones desiderativas expresan un deseo. Se pueden formar de dos maneras: con el verbo wish o con la expresión if only. El verbo wish equivale aquí a desearía, gustaría; Cuando el sujeto es I se traduce por ojala, a continuación va seguido de una oración subordinada ya que la conjunción that se suele omitir. “Rick wishes that he lived closer to his school” “I wish that I lived closer to my school”. If only = Ojala, si al menos. Tanto wish, como only pueden ser usados en varios tiempos verbales como. * Past simple: Nos referimos a situaciones presentes que quisiéramos cambiar “I wish I were more responsible” * Si el verbo que va en past simple es to be, todas sus personas se ponen con were “I wish/ if only it were that simple¡” * Con el past perfect nos referimos a hechos pasado, que ya no tienen remedio “If only I had known earlier” “Do you wish you had stayed in Ireland longer” * Con could o would + un verbo en la forma base, nos referimos al futuro, expresando la esperanza de que ocurra lo que deseamos “I wish i could pass the literatura test” * Si el sujeto de wish y del verbo en la forma base son diferentes, usamos would. “I wish / if only the weather would improve”