Ingles c2 3

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BILINGUALISM AND MUL TILINGUALISM: All our students are able from birth to learn mere than one language, our brain is ready for that, we have evidence of this as many children living in bilingual countries learn more than one language without any problem. Children with special situation leam two languages without a problem. We can't copy these situations (familiar / country) in our classrooms as the inmersion isn't total but we can copy some ofthe resources. First we have to speak to our students in English as vehicle of communication and provide them with as much contact as possible with the language, children will leam and acquire in a natural way. Bilingualism and multilingualism don't mean equalingualism, when you leam two or more languages there' s always one which flows more frequentIy and more spontaneously. FOCUS ON ORAL PRACTICE. This stage is one step nearer to real life situations where students will have to communicate without the help of a teacher. Teacher should try to give your students opportunities to produce language more freely in the classroom. It' s important to choose topics that your students will like and situations students will find more worthwhile. There are some oral activities which are high1y encouraging;, explanations and description (street directions, instructions, mini-speeches, ... ), discussion, games and problem-soling. Oral production activities activities vary from control to free activities depending on the students level of fluency and accuracy. Oral practice should be our goal at all stages, production on the side of our students must be rewarded and appreciated by the teacher. Students' efforts have to be rewarded positively.

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