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Conditional sentences:
First conditional:
If + present simple + will + infinitive
If you see the film, you will understand.
-Possible or likely situacions:
Conditional sentences
Type 1
If he wins the lottery, he will travel around the world
Type 2
If he won the lottery, he would travel around the world
Type 2.1
If I were you, I would go to the doctor
Type 3
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Tipo I
a) if + simple present + simple present
( Se usa para expresar verdades científicas. )
b) if + simple present + simple future .
Ej.: If you dont study, you won´t pass your exams. . ( Si no estudias, no aprobarás tus exámenes )
c) imperative + or / and + simple future
( Se usa para expresar amenazas y promesas).
Ej,: Finish your food and we will go to the park
( Termina tu comida e iremos al parque )
d) imperative + if / in case + simple present.
Ej.: Call me in case you need help
(Llámame en caso de que necesites ayuda )
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Las condicionales
Tipo I
a) if + simple present + simple present
( Se usa para expresar verdades científicas. )
b) if + simple present + simple future .
Ej.: If you dont study, you won´t pass your exams. . ( Si no estudias, no aprobarás tus exámenes )
c) imperative + or / and + simple future
( Se usa para expresar amenazas y promesas).
Ej,: Finish your food and we will go to the park
( Termina tu comida e iremos al parque )
d) imperative + if / in case + simple present.
Ej.: Call me in case you need help
(Llámame en caso de que necesites ayuda )
Tipo II
if + simple past + simple conditional.
Ej.: If i were rich, I would go to Australia (Si fuera rico, iría a Australia )
Tipo III
if + past perfect + conditional perfect
Ej.: If i had known that you were not at home, I would not have gone to your house.( Si hubiese sabido que no estabas en casa, no habría ido a tu casa.)
En algunos casos se pueden construir condicionales sin el if:
* unless: Se puede emplear unless con el significado de "if not" ( si no) .Ej.:Unless you work harder, you will fail your exams. ( a menos que trabajes duro, suspenderás tus exámenes )
* Providing that: Se puede emplear con el significado de "siempre que". Ej.:Providing that you come back home with your friends, I will let you go to the party . ( Siempre que vuelvas a casa con tus amigos, te dejaré ir a la fiesta )
* In case: significa "en caso que", "por si acaso".Ej.: I´d better buy more sugar in case we decide to make the cake ( Compraré más azucar en caso de que decidamos hacer el pastel )
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1conditional:(if+present simple)+(will+infinitive)
Ej: if i study hard i'll pass my exam.
(will+infinitive),(if+present simple),
Ej:i will pass the exam, if i go to school.
2conditional:(if+past simple)(would+infinitive)
i would go to paris, if i had the money
3conditional:paul woldn't have gone to the circus
-if karen hadn't bought the tickets
-if i had won would have bought the tickets
-i would have told you about the party if you had asked(ask)me
screen,floppy disk,mouse,keyboard,printer.
a bit:un poco,quite:bastante,extremely,pretty:bastante,very:muy
really:realmente,rather:+ bien,a little:un poco,fairly:bastante
slihtly:ligeramente. as good as: tan bieno como
First conditional:
If + present simple + will + infinitive
If you see the film, you will understand.
-Possible or likely situacions:
Conditional sentences
Type 1
If he wins the lottery, he will travel around the world
Type 2
If he won the lottery, he would travel around the world
Type 2.1
If I were you, I would go to the doctor
Type 3
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Tipo I
a) if + simple present + simple present
( Se usa para expresar verdades científicas. )
b) if + simple present + simple future .
Ej.: If you dont study, you won´t pass your exams. . ( Si no estudias, no aprobarás tus exámenes )
c) imperative + or / and + simple future
( Se usa para expresar amenazas y promesas).
Ej,: Finish your food and we will go to the park
( Termina tu comida e iremos al parque )
d) imperative + if / in case + simple present.
Ej.: Call me in case you need help
(Llámame en caso de que necesites ayuda )
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Las condicionales
Tipo I
a) if + simple present + simple present
( Se usa para expresar verdades científicas. )
b) if + simple present + simple future .
Ej.: If you dont study, you won´t pass your exams. . ( Si no estudias, no aprobarás tus exámenes )
c) imperative + or / and + simple future
( Se usa para expresar amenazas y promesas).
Ej,: Finish your food and we will go to the park
( Termina tu comida e iremos al parque )
d) imperative + if / in case + simple present.
Ej.: Call me in case you need help
(Llámame en caso de que necesites ayuda )
Tipo II
if + simple past + simple conditional.
Ej.: If i were rich, I would go to Australia (Si fuera rico, iría a Australia )
Tipo III
if + past perfect + conditional perfect
Ej.: If i had known that you were not at home, I would not have gone to your house.( Si hubiese sabido que no estabas en casa, no habría ido a tu casa.)
En algunos casos se pueden construir condicionales sin el if:
* unless: Se puede emplear unless con el significado de "if not" ( si no) .Ej.:Unless you work harder, you will fail your exams. ( a menos que trabajes duro, suspenderás tus exámenes )
* Providing that: Se puede emplear con el significado de "siempre que". Ej.:Providing that you come back home with your friends, I will let you go to the party . ( Siempre que vuelvas a casa con tus amigos, te dejaré ir a la fiesta )
* In case: significa "en caso que", "por si acaso".Ej.: I´d better buy more sugar in case we decide to make the cake ( Compraré más azucar en caso de que decidamos hacer el pastel )
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1conditional:(if+present simple)+(will+infinitive)
Ej: if i study hard i'll pass my exam.
(will+infinitive),(if+present simple),
Ej:i will pass the exam, if i go to school.
2conditional:(if+past simple)(would+infinitive)
i would go to paris, if i had the money
3conditional:paul woldn't have gone to the circus
-if karen hadn't bought the tickets
-if i had won would have bought the tickets
-i would have told you about the party if you had asked(ask)me
screen,floppy disk,mouse,keyboard,printer.
a bit:un poco,quite:bastante,extremely,pretty:bastante,very:muy
really:realmente,rather:+ bien,a little:un poco,fairly:bastante
slihtly:ligeramente. as good as: tan bieno como