Gramatica Ingles

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Pasisive: Be+ past participle
Causative: HAVE+object+past participle
Relative: who, whose, (non-def) which,where,when,why.
Possibility - may / could Near certainty - must
Probability - should / will
Negative certainty - can`t certeza - will
Obligation/necessity - has,have to / need to / must Advise - should/ought to
Permission - may/can´t
Reported speech:
Present Simple I take - Past simple I took
Prest Con. I`m taking - Pst c. I was taking
Past simp I took - Pst Perf Simp. I Had taken
Prst perf simpl I have taken - Pst Per Sim "
Will-would Can-Could may-might must-hadto
Here-there/now-then/tomorrow-the next day
Ago-before/last-the before/yerterday-thedaybef
1.He said that / He told me that + S + V
2.He asked me if / who + S + V
3.He told / asked ME + (not) TO + INFNT.


1º: If + Present simpl - will + infintvo (Real)
2º: If + Past Simpl - would + infintvo (Hipotc)
3º: If + Past Perfect - would have + partic
The Gerund: Admit, Avoid, Can´t, Stand, Considerer, Don´t mind, Enjoy, Finish, Give up, Mate, Imagine, Like, Love, Mention, Miss, Practise, Resist, Risk, Start, Stop, Suggest, Try, Keep.
The Infinitive: Afford, Agree, Arrange, Ask, Attemp, Beg, Choose, Clare, Decide, Expect, Hope, Lutend, Learn, Like, Manage, Pretend, Promise, Refuse, Seem, Wain, Forget, Wait.
Time clauses:
Until/by the time = hasta el momento en que
As soon as = Tan pronto como
Once = una vez
While/as = mientras que/como
In case = en caso
In spite of = a pesar de
Because of = debido a

Pasisive: Be+ past participle
Causative: HAVE+object+past participle
Relative: who, whose, (non-def) which,where,when,why.
Possibility - may / could Near certainty - must
Probability - should / will
Negative certainty - can`t certeza - will
Obligation/necessity - has,have to / need to / must Advise - should/ought to
Permission - may/can´t
Reported speech:
Present Simple I take - Past simple I took
Prest Con. I`m taking - Pst c. I was taking
Past simp I took - Pst Perf Simp. I Had taken
Prst perf simpl I have taken - Pst Per Sim "
Will-would Can-Could may-might must-hadto
Here-there/now-then/tomorrow-the next day
Ago-before/last-the before/yerterday-thedaybef
1.He said that / He told me that + S + V
2.He asked me if / who + S + V
3.He told / asked ME + (not) TO + INFNT.


1º: If + Present simpl - will + infintvo (Real)
2º: If + Past Simpl - would + infintvo (Hipotc)
3º: If + Past Perfect - would have + partic
The Gerund: Admit, Avoid, Can´t, Stand, Considerer, Don´t mind, Enjoy, Finish, Give up, Mate, Imagine, Like, Love, Mention, Miss, Practise, Resist, Risk, Start, Stop, Suggest, Try, Keep.
The Infinitive: Afford, Agree, Arrange, Ask, Attemp, Beg, Choose, Clare, Decide, Expect, Hope, Lutend, Learn, Like, Manage, Pretend, Promise, Refuse, Seem, Wain, Forget, Wait.
Time clauses:
Until/by the time = hasta el momento en que
As soon as = Tan pronto como
Once = una vez
While/as = mientras que/como
In case = en caso
In spite of = a pesar de
Because of = debido a

Pasisive: Be+ past participle
Causative: HAVE+object+past participle
Relative: who, whose, (non-def) which,where,when,why.
Possibility - may / could Near certainty - must
Probability - should / will
Negative certainty - can`t certeza - will
Obligation/necessity - has,have to / need to / must Advise - should/ought to
Permission - may/can´t
Reported speech:
Present Simple I take - Past simple I took
Prest Con. I`m taking - Pst c. I was taking
Past simp I took - Pst Perf Simp. I Had taken
Prst perf simpl I have taken - Pst Per Sim "
Will-would Can-Could may-might must-hadto
Here-there/now-then/tomorrow-the next day
Ago-before/last-the before/yerterday-thedaybef
1.He said that / He told me that + S + V
2.He asked me if / who + S + V
3.He told / asked ME + (not) TO + INFNT.


1º: If + Present simpl - will + infintvo (Real)
2º: If + Past Simpl - would + infintvo (Hipotc)
3º: If + Past Perfect - would have + partic
The Gerund: Admit, Avoid, Can´t, Stand, Considerer, Don´t mind, Enjoy, Finish, Give up, Mate, Imagine, Like, Love, Mention, Miss, Practise, Resist, Risk, Start, Stop, Suggest, Try, Keep.
The Infinitive: Afford, Agree, Arrange, Ask, Attemp, Beg, Choose, Clare, Decide, Expect, Hope, Lutend, Learn, Like, Manage, Pretend, Promise, Refuse, Seem, Wain, Forget, Wait.
Time clauses:
Until/by the time = hasta el momento en que
As soon as = Tan pronto como
Once = una vez
While/as = mientras que/como
In case = en caso
In spite of = a pesar de
Because of = debido a

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