Examens sele

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Green Sahara               The woman who...              English is the...
1 less than 10%. 1 Maathais... 1 they referred...
2 is about.... 2 an environmentalist... 2 was already...
3 show variations.... 3 the conflict.... 3 from all over...
4 did not happen... 4 stop the... 4 is understood..
5 their land was.... 5 helping women... 5 it... as a mother...
6 have taken.... 6 has given them... 6 is used by...
the land is.... 7 may help some... 7 a second language.
8 a good advertiser. 8 the green belt plans... 8in many....

Kill a Snail...              A wandering voice: ...       A word-learning...
1 have cared... 1 la més llarga. 1 fast-maping may...
2 Royal society... 2 nomadic. 2 may be the...
may suffer... 3 it is dificult... 3 gestures must...
is much more... 4 more than seven. 4 was carried...
will not be... 5 a variety... wich... 5 was submitted...
must be recordered... 6 the rom are... 6 strong desire...
are still not... 7 negative. 7 the future may...
can't own a pet. 8 the preservation... 8 are based on...

Internet revives...       Sweet as sugar              Threatened prehistoric...
1 maiko. 1 not known... 1 is the closest...
teahouses. 2 honey was... 2 found many new...
poor girls. 3 help make a... 3 species are...
making up... 4 reflect the... 4 biologist have....
an art. 5 there would be... 5 added the...
all day from... 6 the number of... 6 malasya and...
in kyoto. 7 comes from hives... 7 appears like....
its more... 8 you will live... 8 has more...
I was born a slave        Convinced food
1 no matter if they... 1 because it was...
when she once... 2 most adults work...
her master's son. 3 restaurants, ....
she was not afraid... 4 the growth of...
followed a wrong... 5 families no longer...
6 there was not... 6 no longer have...
four. 7 they need to....
she was paid... 8 people can eat...

Exam practise 1 Exam practise 2 Exam practise 3

1 b 1 b 1 c
2 a 2 d 2 d
3 d 3 d 3 a
4 c 4 a 4 c
5 c 5 c 5 b
6 b 6 c 6 c
7 d 7 a 7 c
8 b 8 c 8 b

Exam practise 4 Exam practise 5 Exam practise 6

1 b 1 c 1 b
2 b 2 a 2 a
3 c 3 d 3 b
4 d 4 a 4 d
5 d 5 a 5 d
6 c 6 d 6 a
7 a 7 c 7 b
8 c 8 a 8 b

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