Exámen oral

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What did you do yesterday? Yesterday,I  got up at seven and has breakfast. I goes to school at eight o'clock and i'm studied. When fisished to school I ate. I watched TV "Física y química" and one films "Crescúspulo". After I did my homework and went the street wiht my friends. Came the street and dined. After, I went to sleep.

What do you do in your free time? In my free time, I rise very later about the eleven. I usually skate wiht on skates, I go to beach, I study, step time wiht my friends and with they I do much things. Rarely I bored. I go south to Puerto Rico and Maspalomas.

UTILIZACIÓN: Agitar antes de usar con la tapa puesta. Colocar la punta metálica al principio del área de corregir, si el líquido no flueye presionar en el centro del lápiz corrector.

PRECAUCIÓN: Mantener fuera del alcanze de los niños. Mantener alejado del fuego. No ingerir ni inalar.

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