Examen inglés presente simple
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PRESENTE SIMPLE: 3ª persona con -s y preguntando aux Do o Does exepto have got, tobe, modales.EJ: I am gara/are you gara?/she lives en santa cruz/ do you live in arafo?
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: en este momento, ahora. verbo ser+verbo con -ing.EJ: I am reading/ she is writting/is she writting?
PAST SIMPLE:accion terminada. auxiliar "did" para interrogativas y negativas. 2ª columna o "ed". EJ: I went to the cinema yesterday/I played football yesterday/ dis you go to the cinema?/didn't go...
PAST CONTINUOUS: accion en proceso en el pasado.was/were+verbo -ing. EJ: I was reading/she was having breakfast when he phoned me.
PRESENT PERFECT: pasado k dura hasta el presente. have/has+ 3ª columna (participio). EJ: el ha llegado ya. he has just arrived.
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: EJ:El a estado trabajando durante dos horas. He was been working for two hours.
PAST PERFECT: anterior al pasado. had+ 3ª columna. EJ: el abia acabado cuando llegue/ he had finished when I arrived.
FUTURE SIMPLE: will. condiciones, decisiones espontaneas y horarios. EJ: yo kantare kontigo/I will sing with you.
BE GOING TO: 1planes o intenciones k ya han sido decididos/ am, are, is + going to + verbo infinitivo///2 predicciones hechas por evidencias- menos komun. EJ: 1 yo viajare a londres la semana que viene./ I am going to travel to london next week.///// 2 ¡mira estas nubes! va a llover./ look at those cluds! It's going to rain.
WHAT/ WICH--(cual) de estas HOW MANY--cosas contables cuanto
WHERE--donde HOW LONG-- cuanto tiempo
WHEN--cuando HOW FAR-- cuanta distancia como de lejos
HOW--como WHOSE-- de quien WHO-- quien
well-know muy conocido check-over revisar korregir get- across komunicar get off bajarse bus get on progresar turn down bajar volumen work at mejorar intentar write down apuntar anotar
challenging--through-provoking estimulante
bland--uninteresting soso
soothing-.-relaxing relajante
high-pitched--piercing agudo
ear-splitting--deafening ensordecedor
catchy--easy to remember facil de recordar pegadizo
JUST: presente perfecto (has/have) y verbo -ed o 3ª columna. justo ahora/acaba de///EJ: she has just arrived.
ALREADY: iwal k arriba (afirmativas)/// EJ: she has already seen this film-- ella ya ha visto esa pelicula.
YET: iwal k arriba (negativas e interrogativas)/// EJ: I haven't finished the book yet.-- yo no he terminado el libro todavia.
COMPÀRATIVO Y SUPERLATIVO: la gente mas joven quiere ser como la gente mayor porque ellos son mas felices.-- younger people want to be like older people becouse they are happier./////ese coche es mas caro que este-- that car is more expensive than this//este coche es el mas caro-- that car is the most expensive//
good-better-the best///-/bad-worse-the worst//
STATE VERBS: normalmente se utilizan en el presente simple///// sentiments: love like hate want wish//I like eating/ I want to go to the cinema--yo kiero ir al cine::: solo kon el want ponemos "to".
USED TO: como si fuera pasado simple// yo solia ir al cine cada semana-- I used to go to the cinema every week//did you use to go to the cinema?// you didn't use to go to the cinema.
TIME CLAUSES: when- cuando/ as soon as--tan pronto como//after--depues//before--antes//until--hasta//.
EJ: yo te llamare despues de k el partido ha terminado-- I will phone you after the match has finished./// te vere en casa cuando llegues-- I will see you when you arrive./// tan pronto como terminaron el examen se fueron-- as soon as they finished the exam they went out.//el no vendra hasta que tu hayas llamado-- he won't come until you have phoned.
MODAL PERFECTS: may HAVE + 3ª columna///// posibilidad en el pasado EJ: She may/might have
might------------------------------- won the competition.
must--------------------------------///// certesa en el pasado EJ: the gig can't must
can't------------------------------- have finished late.
should/n't--------------------------//// criticas de acciones pasadas EJ: you should have left earlier.-- tu decidiste de haber salido mas temprano.