Examen ingles

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40)4 Shall I do the shopping for you?
1 Shall I help you with your French test?
2 Shall I get you the ticket for the concert?
3 Shall I take you to Hospital?
4 Shall I go with He?
5 Shall I talk to them?
5 1 sarah looks happy!
yes, she's just won some money
2 He's very shy. He hates meeting mew people
3 She saw John with another girl last night so she is feeling jealous
4 I'm sure he's very lonely, He hasn't got any friends
5 I've my driving test tomorrow so I'm a bit nervous
happy-happiness lonely-loneliness
jealous-jealousy 3 1happiness
shy-shyness 2unitideness
nasty-nastiness 3laziness
miserable-misery 4tiredness
nervous-nervousness 5 fitness
6 kidness
el año pasado nos mudamos a una nueva ciudad y empeze en un nuevo colegio y hice amigos con chicas populares de mi edad. Pero ella me cojieron mania por que yo era elegante y llevava ropa bonita. Me ponian nombres y aveces me pegaban
ellas incluso me escrivian cosas deagradables sobre mi en los pupitres. eso era horrible. ella hicieron mi vida miserable, al final me senti realmente triste y solitaria

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