Examen 10.06.08
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Verbosleave left left irse/abandnr lose lost lost perder make made made hacer meet met met pay paid paid pagar put put put poner read read read leer ring rang rung sonar run ran run correr say said said decir see saw seen ver send sent sent enviar sing sang sung cantar sit sat sat sitio sleep slept slept dormir speak spoke spoken hablar spend spent spent gastar diner stand stood stood star de pie swim swam swum nadar take took taken coger tell told told decir think thought thought pensar throw threw thrown lanzar wake up woke woken despertar wear wore worn llevar puesto win won won ganar write wrote written escribir. Reported Speech:
do-He said -ed
is/are -ing-was/were -ing
have broken/sent you/had stolen-had broken
has been -ing/were -ing-had been -ing
will go-would go
will have /would /would have-would have -ed
can-could must-had to may-might
He asked if I had/how long
He ordered me to
today-that day here-there now-then this-that these-those
tonight-that night tomorrow-the following day yesterday-the day before.Condicionales:
Z C: if + presente, presente. (cosas q son siempre ciertas).
1 C: if + presente, futuro con will. (posibilidades reales futuro, avisos o promesas).
2 C: if + pasado, would + infinitivo. (posibilidades imaginarias presente o futuro, consejos).
3 C: if + pasado perf., would + have + participio pasado. (altern. imaginarias acontecimientos del pasado).
Voz pasiva:
be (tiempo que corresponde) + participio pasado
mustn´t---prohibicion: no debes
must to---obligacion: debes
have to---obligation: tienes ke
don´t have to---no obligation: no tienes xk
should---advertir: deberias
shouldn´t---advertir: no deberias
ought to-ought not to---advertir: debe,no debe
need-needn´t---necesitas no,necesitas
can,can´t, could,couldn´t, be able to,wont be able to:
speculation----must:muy posible----can´t:imposible----might/could: no estamos seguro.have got:
i/you have got
he/she/it has got
we/you/they have got
i/you have not /
he/she/it has not / got
we/you/they have not /
have i/you /
has he/she/it / got?
have we/you/they.presente continuo:
sujeto + wearing
sujeto + not + wearing
wearing al final to be: afirmativa negativa pregunta
was n,t al
were n,t reves
was n,t de
were n,t afirmativa verbos regulares:
ed en las afirmativas
did en negativas y preguntas.
do-He said -ed
is/are -ing-was/were -ing
have broken/sent you/had stolen-had broken
has been -ing/were -ing-had been -ing
will go-would go
will have /would /would have-would have -ed
can-could must-had to may-might
He asked if I had/how long
He ordered me to
today-that day here-there now-then this-that these-those
tonight-that night tomorrow-the following day yesterday-the day before.Condicionales:
Z C: if + presente, presente. (cosas q son siempre ciertas).
1 C: if + presente, futuro con will. (posibilidades reales futuro, avisos o promesas).
2 C: if + pasado, would + infinitivo. (posibilidades imaginarias presente o futuro, consejos).
3 C: if + pasado perf., would + have + participio pasado. (altern. imaginarias acontecimientos del pasado).
Voz pasiva:
be (tiempo que corresponde) + participio pasado
mustn´t---prohibicion: no debes
must to---obligacion: debes
have to---obligation: tienes ke
don´t have to---no obligation: no tienes xk
should---advertir: deberias
shouldn´t---advertir: no deberias
ought to-ought not to---advertir: debe,no debe
need-needn´t---necesitas no,necesitas
can,can´t, could,couldn´t, be able to,wont be able to:
speculation----must:muy posible----can´t:imposible----might/could: no estamos seguro.have got:
i/you have got
he/she/it has got
we/you/they have got
i/you have not /
he/she/it has not / got
we/you/they have not /
have i/you /
has he/she/it / got?
have we/you/they.presente continuo:
sujeto + wearing
sujeto + not + wearing
wearing al final to be: afirmativa negativa pregunta
was n,t al
were n,t reves
was n,t de
were n,t afirmativa verbos regulares:
ed en las afirmativas
did en negativas y preguntas.