Estilo indirecto en inglés

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VOCABULARY:**decision-making process dress code environment independance multicultural routine rules strict timetable-horario traditional attend-asistir mayor-alcalde concerned-preocupado skip-saltarse las clases cope-superar smart-inteligente
**educational, personal, creative, innovate, complementary, revolutionary, obligatory, satisfactory
**school-park, uniform, cafeteria, class
-toothbrush -car park -cash prizes
-sports spokesman, class, results

**afirmaciones: agree, accept, answer, admitted
**preguntas: question, wondered, want to know
**órdenes: order, shout, demand, warn
**sugerencias: advise, suggest, recommend, invite

can-could may-might must-had to or must will-would now-then today-that day yesterday-the previous day last week-the previous a month ago-the previous tomorrow-the next day next week-the week after here-there this-that these-those

FRASES: students=@
*@ go to class every...----He said that @ went to class..
van a - dijo k iban
*@ went to class..---He said that @ had gone to class
iban/fueron- dijeron k habian ido
*@ will go to..--he said that @ would go to...
iran- dijo k irian
*@ are going to..---he said that @ were going to...
estan yendo- dijo k estaban yendo
*@ were going to..--he said that @ had been going
estaban yendo-dijo k habian estado yendo
*@ have gone to..--he said that @ had gone to..
han ido-el dijo ke habian ido

*@have been going to..--he said that @ had been going to..
han estado yendo-eldijo ke habian estado yendo
*@had gone to..--he said that @ had gone to...
habian ido-el dijo ke habian ido
*@had been going to..--he said that @ had been going to..
habian estado yendo-el dijo ke habian estado yendo

CUANDO TA EN PRESENTE SE PONE EN PRESENTE (lo acaba d decir-she says that she attendssss music) y si lo dijo pero la cosa sigue po se pone asi-she said that English IS spoken in Australia.

PREGUNTAS:He asked if Paul was IRISH
He aske where the gym was ATENCION: EL SUJ SIEMPRE PRIMERO

ORDENES:cambiamos un imperativo por un inf. y usamos tell y ordered. -keep quiet- the teacher told us to keep/ NOT to keep quiet

SUGERENCIAS:Lets take the bus--he suggested that we take the bus (en PRESENTE) o lets start tomorrrow-she suggested starting yhe following day

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